5 Steps For Incorporating Candle Magick into Your Practice

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Want to do candlework with your spells? Good. Here’s how.

Step 1: Setting Your Intention

Candle Magick, or candlework* as I like to call it, can be used in any type of Magick ritual or spell. And, any type of candle can be used. You just have to set an intention.

Setting an intention is no different than deciding to go to the bathroom: normally, you know what’s going to happen when you get in there. Before lighting your candle, make sure you know what you are shooting for. Do not sit down with the intention of performing a revenge spell, light your candle, and then switch to a love spell. Bad, bad things will result from that misstep.

As you are setting your intention, look around. Is there anything out of place? Will something distract you during your ritual. Get rid of it. Any lingering mail, missed phone calls, ANYTHING! Get it out of your spiritual area so you can focus.

So, you’ve set your intention. What’s next?

Step 2: Lighting

Now comes the part where we play with my favorite element: fire!

Light your candle with any tool you like. Some witches eschew lighters for their candlework. Some only use matches. I know of a coven in New Orleans who keep a permanent fire just for their candlework. While interesting and ritualistic, it is not necessary. Feel free to use your gas stove if you like. Be careful if you go down that road.

Once lit, make sure you have step one in mind. You may even write your intention down if you have trouble staying focused. I’ve been doing Magick for 30+ years and I still need to write it down sometimes. Do not be ashamed if you do.

Now that we’re lit and ready to go, let’s get to the Magick.

Step 3: Your Magick & Rituals

Like I said in Step 1, candlework can be used in any type of spell: petition Magick, communication sessions, calling up demons to do our bidding, and so on. Make your will known in your spell or ritual. And use candles to call upon your Magick.


I am about to contradict myself, but not completely. You see, any kind of candle can be used in candlework, but some are more suited for specific Magick than others. You can use mint candles for easier communication rituals. Cinnamon works well with purifying and cleansing spells. And vanilla is your all-purpose go to.

Maybe one day I’ll make a complete guide on what kind of candles to use for specific spells. Look out for that in the future.

It is up to you to choose if you want to get super-specific with your candlework. For my personal work, it’s not that important. When I’m working for clients, it is of utmost importance. So, you do you.

Step 4: Letting It Burn

Give your candles time to burn after your spell or ritual. This allows the flame to fuel the Magick with all four elements: fire, water, earth and air. From the point I began Magick, this was taught to me.

“Let the air feed, the fire melt, the wax melt, and the earth hold.”

This is another way of saying all four elements are represented in candlework. Fire needs air to burn. The fire represents itself. The earth is represented by the unaffected wax or the table or floor beneath it, and the melted wax represents the water.

So let your candle burn. Give it space. Breathe. Meditate. Do whatever you need to do as long as you keep your intention in mind.

Step 5: Don’t Blow It Out!

This is maybe the step that will enlighten you the most. Do not blow your candle out. When you do this, you “blow out” your intention. In other words, you make your Magick null and void.

Most witches that perform candlework correctly use a candle snuffer, which is smart of them. I, on the other hand, use my fingers. And I have the burn scars to prove it.

I like to use my fingers because it connects me to the Magick more. Do I condone it? Absolutely not. Do not burn yourself purposefully unless you understand the consequences. And if you do, wet or lick your fingers first.

Don’t let it burn out, either. This will have the same effect as blowing it out. It’s important to let the candle burn, like I said in Step 4. But, do not let it burn up.

When choosing a candle, choose one that has enough burn in it to last your ritual. If you are planning to do an 8-hour ritual, don’t use tea lights.

Love + Blessings


*Candlework is what my teacher called it. Since then, that is how it is known to me.

If you don’t have a spirit to practice candle Magick with, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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