Hinn Djinn
Hinn Djinn are the most loyal of all Djinn. Their main purpose is being a servitor to their master(s).

Badriyah Djinn
Badriyah Djinn are the most psychically inclined of the Djinn species. These entities are best used by spirit keepers who seek to boost their own spiritual abilities, like Astral Travel, Lucid Dreaming, and the opening of the third eye.

Nasnas Djinn
The Nasnas (NAHZ-nahz) is created from the interbreeding of a Shiqq (lesser Djinn) and a human-being. It is birthed with a one-sided body. The Nasnas only have one arm and leg, with long, undulating tails.

Si’lat (Sila) Djinn
Si’lat (SEE-loht), or Sila, are considered one of the most sexual forms of Djinn. They tend to shape-shift into men or women and lure them into bed. However, most are merely lovers looking to find mates.

Ghoul (Ghul) Djinn
Ghouls, or ghuls, are Arabic entities that mostly take the form of deceased human beings. They tend to be spotted around graves, battlefields, and around monuments for false gods.

Shaitan Djinn
Shaitan (pronounced SHY-tan or SHAY-tan) Djinn are the darker side of the Djinn world. While Shaitan are neither good nor evil, they do tend to have highly dark personalities. The “devil” of Islamic mythology, known as Iblis, is a Shaitan Djinn.

Jann Djinn
Jann Djinn are the wind/air elementals of the Djinn world. Jann are neither good nor evil. These Djinn were the first encountered by humans because of their shape-shifting abilities. The Jann disguised themselves to mix with humanity and became acquainted with them before revealing themselves.

Marid Djinn
Marid (pronounced MARE-id) Djinn are the water elementals of the Djinn world. Marid are neither good nor evil. Their nature is like water: they conform easily to their master's wishes.

Ifrit Djinn
Ifrit (pronounced EH-freet) Djinn are the fire elementals of the Djinn world. Ifrit are neither good nor evil, and air on the side of rebelliousness. They are the most versatile Djinn and easiest to bind to physical vessels (like dolls or jewelry).

Djinn (general)
Djinn (pronounced: JIN) are entities of middle-eastern origin born of the fitra, or from purity. Djinn are neither good nor evil. While often associated with the religion of Islam, Djinn pre-date the religion. During its expansion, Islam cannibalized many aspects of Pagan worship, with Djinn being one of them.