You have taken the leap. Congratulations. You are exactly where you need to be.
Get ready. Take a breath. You’re about to begin a journey.
Your journey in three steps:
1. Commence
You received your spirit. You are excited. You are in something of a “honey-moon” phase. The truth is, your journey has only just began.
2. Bond
You are in the middle. You need to build a bond. Here, you’ll be doing the work that will create the bonding between your spirit and yourself.
3. Growth
The final step: growth. This step will repeat itself. Indefinitely. You will grow. By this time, you have created a bond. Now, you grow that bond. And yourself.
Below are more detailed explanations of each step and how you should proceed on your journey with your spirit:

Your spirit is with you, whether you feel them or not. You now have a responsibility you did not have before. A powerful being is in your care. Now, you are wondering: “What do I do?”
The first step is coming to terms with the being that is now in your care. You may be a full believer in spirits. You may be skeptical, but still a believer. Or, this may be an experiment for you. Whatever brought you here does not matter. What matters is that a spirit is with you.
And what happens with this spirit is up to you.
You are about to leave on a journey. And there is one thing you should know about this journey: You will never return.
That is right. This is not a weekend warrior’s game. This is where you go from simple believer to professional spirit keeper. And I will give you all the information and cognitive tools to get you there.
Before moving on to the next step, take a moment. Look at your life around you. Ask yourself these questions:
Are you where you want to be?
Do your surroundings reflect your deepest desires?
Is your life being lived to your potential?
My guess is that the answers to your questions is “no.” That is okay. I was exactly where you were before I began my mission. With your new spirit companion, you are beginning a journey that will fix all of that.
Take a breath. Get ready. Your commencement is at hand.

This is where the fun begins. This is the step that will separate the Witches from from the pointy-hat wearers. It separates the broom riders from the kitchen sweepers. It separates the cauldron cookers from the pot-stirrers.
This is where you bond with the spirit that is now in your care.
On this website, I have all the guides and tools for you to get started.
You are about to welcome a powerful and mysterious being into your home. You want to
make sure you do it right. Below is the perfect way to welcome your first spirit.
Of course you want to communicate with your spirit. How do you do that? Spirit Keepers start with pendulums. And I have the perfect beginner’s pendulum guide.
You may have heard about offerings. It is useful to be educated on this subject. And, even if you are, everyone can use a reminder now and then.
Offerings are what give our spirits energy. They help us to bond with them by showing them we care. It is a simple process that will take less than 5 minutes every day. And I have the guide for offerings, too.
Spirit acknowledgement may be the most important part of spirit keeping. Luckily, I have a guide for that, too!
And of course, there is more. I imagine since you are working with a spirit, you are interested in Magick, as well. I also have short guides on how to perform easy spells and rituals.
Most of these can be done by a Magickal Practitioner of any skill level. I also have tips on setting up altars, beginning and ending rituals, and more.
Go to the blog and search for the subject of your interest. If it is not there now, it will be in the near future.

You are at the final stage. You see the journey behind you and rejoice. You have made the decision to begin your journey and build a bond with your very own spirit. You commenced, you bonded, now you are ready to grow.
Like mentioned above, this step will repeat itself. Do not think of this as a game with no end. Think of this as a game you get the opportunity to learn from over and over.
With your spirit beside you, you will continue to grow. You will continue to see things happen that you never expected. Your third eye will slowly open to see the impossible. Or, what you thought was impossible.
In this stage you will see yourself grow beyond your previous borders.
Remember the questions I had you ask yourself before you set off on your journey?
This is where you begin changing your answers. Do you know of any other test where you can go back and change your answers? I did not think so.
This is a test of your spirit. And your spirit is fluid. You are being offered the opportunity for change. True change. Evolution.
It is no coincidence that you are here, reading this. It is no coincidence that I am writing this.
It is no coincidence that we were brought together. All this means something. Are you going to throw that meaning away? I wouldn’t. This is your chance to find something you have been searching for your entire life.
So, go on.
Discover your spirit.