A Quick & Easy Luck Magick Spell for Beginners

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Need some luck in your life? We all do. Here’s a quick, 5 step spell to get it for you.

STEP 1: Setting an Intention

I will always begin any spell or ritual with an intention. If you have read me preaching about it in my previous posts, feel free to rely on memory. Otherwise, listen up.

Set your intention for your luck spell. Why do you want this luck? Why do you deserve it? Do you really need it? Answer those questions within your intention. You are free to write it down, and, in fact, I recommend it. It is hard to keep our thoughts simple in our heads. Writing them down will give you your thoughts in a solid, concrete form.

Sit with your intention with a moment. Feel it. Feel the need for the spell you are about to perform. Maybe light some candles to fuel your Magick. You may want to meditate to get into a spiritual state, as well. Although it is not necessary, I do recommend it.

STEP 2: Find a Talisman

Symbolism is important. And if you didn’t know that, now you do.

Most symbols of luck have infiltrated popular culture to the level of cliché. Rainbows, four-leaf clovers, horseshoes, rabbit’s feet, etc. These symbols, while omnipresent in the world as symbols of luck, are powerful.

When you search for a talisman, you can use whatever you like. You can find and use a stick in your backyard if you want. But, the symbolism carried within the zeitgeist of culture carry powerful energies. I sell Clover Pocket Stones in my Bonanza store that I charge with Luck Spells (not this one) that carry the energy well.

So, find your talisman that you would like to charge with this Magick.

STEP 3: Envisioning Your Luck

This is the part most people have trouble with. Magick is about acting our our subconscious into the conscious reality. We need to take the energy we have inside and put it outside us. This requires visualization.

In order to hold the energy, you must create it first. See yourself with the luck that you so badly need. See yourself getting through the trouble that you need the spell for. See yourself accomplishing the task with the power of Magick behind you.

See it and feel it in your Mind’s Eye.

When you do this, you should feel a sense of relief. It should take pressure off you. Like with the intention, some people find it helpful to write out their visualizations. Some people aren’t visual thinkers. Some think in words. I believe the statistics on this are: 45% of people are visual thinkers, 45% are word thinkers, and the remaining 10% are both. So, whatever category you are in, practice in the way that best suits you.

For example, I am not naturally a visual thinker. When starting out, I wrote out everything. Don’t feel bad if you need to.

STEP 4: Opening Your Channel Within Your Talisman

Hold your talisman in your dominant hand*. You should still be feeling the after-effects of your visualization.

In this moment, feel the energy leaving your body through your hand and into the talisman. It may feel cold, it may feel hot—whatever the case: you should feel the transfer of energy.

This is the process of opening a channel. Think of the talisman as the receptacle of your energy. And, from that receptacle, you will be able to draw on that energy when you need it. The energy will flow from the talisman in your time of need to give you that luck energy in the conscious world.

The reason this is necessary is because human energy, while powerful, is not stable. There are metaphysical reasons for this, but, to keep it short, think of human beings as reactors. We are constantly reacting to the world around us and that shifts our energy. When you create a talisman with your energy, you can call upon that pure energy when you need it.

*The dominant hand likely holds more energy than your non-dominant hand. Thus, it will be easier to make the channel with it.

STEP 5: Gratitude & Action

Say thank you. Show gratitude tot he universe and it will show you the same. Most people seem to skip this step, not because they are ungrateful, but because they do not see its usefulness. Make it known that you appreciate the gift the universal consciousness allows you to have. Without the energy given to you, you could not perform this spell.

And, you can have no luck without action. The luck has to influence something. So, whatever you envisioned doing, you have to do it. Otherwise, the energy will be stuck in your talisman.

Act on the thing you wanted luck for, otherwise what’s the point? You must direct your energy toward and through an action. That is how the spell will finally complete itself.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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