A Quick & Easy Doorway Cleansing Spell

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Your doorway is the entry into your space. You want to cleanse that from time to time. Otherwise, what will make its way into your home?

What You’ll Need:

  • Mint or sweet orange essential oil (I prefer mint)

  • (optional) a cotton swab or cotton ball

  • A candle (it can be any color)

  • A candle snuffer

  • Sea salt

  • A small bowl

STEP 1: Intention

Every spell needs an intention. In this case, it will be to cleanse your doorway.

I recently wrote a blog post about Why Intention Matters, so if you are thinking of skipping this step, go read that before you do. In short, your intention should be specific. And, it should be specific to you. I will give a sample intention, but it will hold more energy if you create your own from your own words.

For my intention in a spell like this, it is normally something along the lines of: “I want to cleanse and protect the entry point of my home for the safety of my family. Negative energy and entities shall stop here.”

Yours can be similar, but you should add your own “flavor.” You may also want to write it down, especially if you are just beginning your Magick practice.

STEP 2: Candlework (Candle Magick)

Have a teeny-tiny mini-ritual at your altar or specified spiritual area where you calm your mind with the aid of candlework. Candlework is vital in aligning energies. If you need to know more about candlework, I have a blog post all about it.

This should be a place where you cleanse your mind of any emotional-connoted energy. You want to be a blank slate for this. Otherwise, you will attract certain energies to your doorway. You may be thinking: “What if I’m feeling happy?” It is great that you are happy, but this is a protection and cleansing ritual. We leave emotions at the door (pun intended 😉).

So, sit with your flame and watch it dance. Let it take your mind to another place. If you notice your mind wandering from the task at hand, that’s okay. Just make sure you get back on track and clear your head.

You may light your candle with a lighter or match—that part does not matter. But, DO NOT blow out your candle. That is what the candle snuffer is for. Or, you can use your fingers to pinch it out. Be careful if you choose the latter.

STEP 3: Salting the Corners

Sprinkle some salt into your bowl. Then, take your oil of choice and add a few drops to your fingers or cotton ball/swab. I suggest using your fingers for this step for ease of control, but some people do not like the feeling of oil on their hands. My husband is one of those people.

Once you have worked the oil into your fingers or cotton ball/swab, dip it into the salt. There should be a little bit that sticks to your fingers. Now, after opening your door, work in a clockwise motion and stick some salt onto all four corners of the door. You do not need too much. As long as salt is there, all will be well.

You may also need to repeat placing the oil on your swab/ball or fingers multiple times during this step.

STEP 4: Drawing Your Sigil (or Pentacle)

For this step, we will be returning to the oil. Add some drops to your fingertips or cotton swab/ball once again. This time, you will be using a little more than last time.

Once it is worked into your fingers or cotton, prepare to draw your chosen sigil or pentacle onto your door. Also, this should be done on both sides of your door for the full effect.

If you choose to create your own sigil, I have a beginner’s blog post for creating sigils. I would recommend you stick with a pentacle, though. It is a time-proven symbol that aids in cleansing. As always, you are free to make your own choice here. And if you do not know what a pentacle looks like, I will add a photo below:


Once that is complete, we are ready to move onto the final step!

STEP 5: Gratitude

Before ending any spell, a thank you is in order.

Like intention, this step is often skipped or rushed. Do not do this. The universe or your chosen deity will not go unappreciated for long. The powers that grant us Magick do not have time for the ungrateful. And you will find when given time, it will be short. In other words, you will not get away with being ungrateful for long.

Find a way to say thanks. It can be a simple sentence or a long, illustrious gratitude or something in the middle. Whatever you choose, make sure you mean it.

So, say your gratitude and see your work. Your doorway is now cleansed and protected!

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter that goes out every Monday morning where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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Why Your Intention Matters