Do Not Be Afraid of What Draws You 11/23/20

Dear you,

There is a force out there that I know each and every one of you have felt.

I call it the draw.

It goes by many names, attraction, spiritual magnetism, the natural force of temptation.

Whatever you’d like to call it, we know that it is real. I get at least 10 messages a day from someone saying they are “drawn” to some of my items. And I get even more from people who do not understand why they chose a particular vessel or spell.

According to them, “Something just brought them there.”

I don’t advertise. I have a presence on Facebook with the group, but I never offer my services there unless someone asks. I do not abuse search engines to get my items to show up. Sometimes I get people from word of mouth, but rarely.

And, yet, thousands of people find me.

Why is that?

Your Spirit Will Take You Places

You have a place you need to go.

Somewhere pulls you toward it. Whether or not you will reach this place is up to you.

All you know is that you are being drawn. Something is pulling you to a certain place and certain things.

Rumi, the great poet, call it the “voice that doesn’t use words.”

That “voice” will speak to you. You have felt it before. You will feel it again. And, you may be feeling it now.

Heed that voice.

It has a direction for you.

The Pull of Your Spirit

In a perfect world, we would have no choice but to listen to the draw.

We would all follow the direction of the universe. We would find fulfillment wherever it may lie. We would have what we wanted most dearly.

This world is not perfect. We do not listen most of the time. We listen to biology, propaganda, and, worse, other people. We do not hear the Truth emanating from our spirits.

There is Truth in you. It is in your very design. And when people say that the draw scares them, I think this is what they are afraid of:

The Truth.

Don’t Be Afraid of Yourself

The draw is an element of the self; the spirit.

Whatever draws you to it, follow it. You have no reason to deny your spirit. And if you come up with reasons to deny, try it. Keep denying your spirit. See where it takes you.

Last week’s newsletter was all about not denying the darker side of yourself. This week is about accepting your full self and listening to where your spirit takes you.

Your spirit is you—the deepest you. The you that will continue on long after your meat has ceased motion. Listen to that before you listen to the flesh.

You will never be steered wrong.

Love + Blessings



Your Mind is Your Own 11/30/20


Is it the light or the dark that draws you? 11/16/20