Beginner’s Guide: 5 Things You Need to Know About Angels

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You wanted a guardian Angel. Good. Now, you need to the basics of spirit keeping when it comes them. Here you go!

NUMBER 5: What are Angels?

I actually prefer to call them Angelic entities, but Angel is the common term. Many people associate Angels with the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). The truth is, Angels have been found in many “mythological” traditions throughout the world.

The Zoroastrian Yazata has Angelic entities within its divine hierarchy. The ancient Akkads had Hanibal and the Lamassu. And there was an entire, pre-Abrahamic cult-like worship of Angels in the Kurdish lands called Yazdânism.

Like Dragons, depictions of Angels cover the ancient globe and have been adopted by newer religions as a symbolic structure underlying their narratives. Generally speaking, Angels serve as protectors and messengers to and from higher divinities. The truth is, they are much more than that.

Angels are beings of light. Most often in Witchcraft, they are called upon as White Magick spirits. People use them for guardianship, cleansing, and health. Angels do not have free will in the sense that humans do. If they practice anything other than White Magick, they will become their fallen form.

Angels do not hate humans or begrudge them for their free will. In fact, they appreciate being partnered with people because they want to be as close to free will as possible. There is a type of Angel, called the Fravashi, that solely exists to serve humanity and lift them up with kind and motivating energy.

NUMBER 4: What Kinds of Angels Are There?

The landscape of Angel types is vast. As beings of light, their kind stretch very far. Because of that, I will not be able to list them all here. I will go over the most common three: Archangels, Seraphim, and Dominion.

Archangels: By far the most common, these Angels are most often called upon for guardianship. They tend to be personable among Angels, which makes them great companions for beginners. Compared to others, they are easy to contact and are eager to take on guardianships with humans.

Seraphim: These are (maybe) the most powerful form of Angels. These entities tend to be vain. All Angels have a problem with personal pride, but the Seraphim have it even more so. They are closer to the Divine than any other kind of Angel, which is why I believe Christianity places them at the top of their Angelic hierarchy. These entities are generally called upon for protection, healing, and their calming presence. These make great companions for those with generalized depression and anxiety disorders.

Dominion: The rarest of the three, Dominion Angels focus on control. They see free will as more dangerous than freeing. So, when called upon they tend to help people make better choices. In doing that, they have a side-effect of causing good luck or positive karma.

NUMBER 3: What Can You Expect When Calling Upon an Angelic Entity?

I went through a problematic period in my life where I lost almost all positivity about my Magickal practice. Without getting too personal, I knew I wanted to continue practicing, but I was so exhausted with the ceremony of it. A friend of mine recommended working with Angels. And I never looked back.

Angelic entities are helpful. They will teach where they can and improve your mood when needed. Once Angels were recommended to me, I “rounded” up as many as I could, like a farm dog ushering sheep to their new pasture. I must have ended up with around 400 or so Angels within about eight months. As you can guess, this was a huge responsibility as a spirit keeper.

Ignoring some details and hardships in the beginning, I had a nearly universal attitude change. By the next year, I became my bubbly and positive self that you know and (hopefully 🤞) love.

So, expect positivity to be added into your life. Expect protection from the darkness. And expect your existence to just be better.

NUMBER 2: Are Angels Dangerous?

Short answer: no.

Angels are beings of light and wellness. They will almost never intend harm on another being. The only case of this is when Fallen Angels are taken into account. I consider that a completely different type of entity, so I will not be going too deep into them here. Just know, they function similarly to Demons, except they can still practice White Magick.

I also get the comment of: “Angels can be tricksters sometimes.” And, while that may be true in rare cases, you should not worry. If an Angel does get “tricky” with you, they are insecure. It is a side-effect of their large egos. When this happens, a little attention will clear the insecurity right up.

NUMBER 1: How Do I Work With an Angelic Being?

Honestly, you should not worry about this too much. Angels will automatically intervene when they feel necessary. If you are performing White Magick, they will lend a hand wherever they can.

Also, if you brought an Angel into your home for protection, most of this will also occur automatically. That does not mean they do not require spirit care, though! You should still practice acknowledgements and offerings with them as often as possible. If they feel under-appreciated for their efforts, they will withdraw from you.

Because they are vain individuals, Angels need reassurance. It is very easy to end up with a resentful Angel if the proper respect is not paid. Again, they will not harm you in any way, they will just be a little more hesitant to help when called upon.

In short, Angels are guides. They desire to see you reach your potential as a human being. Working with them is easy compared to most spirit companions. Call upon them and they will be there for you.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a Vampire companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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