Quick & Easy ‘Think of Me’ Spell for Beginners

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Sometimes you just want to be on someone’s mind. Here is a quick and easy spell that will help.


  • A candle (preferably white, although any color will work)

  • Matches or a lighter

  • A candle snuffer or tough fingertips

  • A picture or representation* of the person you would like to think about you

  • An isolated space where you can be alone

  • Cleansing salt

  • A sink

*A representation can be a small item or sigil that means something to that person

STEP 1: Intention

Every spell starts with an intention. In this case, it should be simple for you.

You want to come up with a solid and specific intention for any spell. This time, it should be one that illustrates your desire to have another person think about you. But, wait a minute! Just having someone think about you is probably not the goal here. You want someone to think about you positively.

So, your intention should be something like: “I desire XXXX to have positive thoughts about me today.”

If you have more questions about intentions, I did an entire write up about intention and why it matters HERE.

STEP 2: A Quick Cleansing of Your Tools

Your hands will be the most used tools in your craft. And everyone knows to wash their hands, right? This “cleansing” is not just for the physical cleaning of your hands. Although, that’s a good thing, too (especially right now).

No, this is cleansing your hands of negativity. You do not want any of that spilling over into your spell.

First, go to your sink. Take some salt and rub it into your palms and work outward toward your fingers. If you’d like, you can pre-dampen your hands for this step so that the salt will stick to you. Now, with the water running, rub the salt against your hands and let it dissolve.

Dry off and get ready for step 3.

STEP 3: Lighting Your Flame

Go into your isolated space and find a sense of peace. Meditate if you need. Make sure all thoughts, except for this person, are gone from you. Stay in that space for a few minutes. Feel your thoughts come and go and extrapolate to memories. Do not fight anything. Let yourself be until the person is what you are thinking about.

Now, light your candle. Watch the flame dance for a moment. Feel your energy connect to the flame. Let the flame become a symbol of your passion. Whether or not this person is a loved one or someone you are in love with, there is passion there.

Now, prop the picture or representation of the person against the candle and see the flame flicker against the picture’s back.

STEP 4: Forge the Psychic Connection

Whether or not you consider yourself “psychic” or not does not matter. What matters is the desire to be psychic.

So, stare at the photo or representation. If it is a photo, stare into the person’s eyes. If it is a representation, trace each edge of it with your eyes. Feel their energy captured in the item. Think of the person’s smell. Think of their voice. Think of how they make you happy.

Now, state your intention. Do it eight times for success. In numerology, eight represents success. To learn more about numerology, check my Numerology Chart.

Hopefully, you are in a place where you can say it out loud. If not, whisper it, at least. Project your desire onto the photo or representation. Feel the energy leave you, through your words, and enter the item.

Let the flame go for a few minutes more and get ready for the final step.

STEP 5: Snuffing and Gratitude

Do not blow out your candle. It will release the energy of the spell. You want that contained into the channel you just opened. So, snuff it or pinch it out. For more on candlework, read THIS.

Now, it is the time for your gratitude. Thank the universe, a deity or deities, or some higher power that you feel is greater than yourself. Thank the energy that made this spell possible. And be grateful to yourself for putting in the effort to call that energy.

If you need more pointers, I have blog post that will guide you through a PERFECT Ritual Closing.

One of the most important parts of Magick is being thankful for the power granted to you. Do not skip this. At least, say a quick thank you and begin cleaning up. Trust me on this one. The universe does not put up with ungratefulness.

And that is it! You have performed a spell! I have others in my blog if you want to try them out. Have a perfect, Witchy day and I will see you again in the next post.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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