5 MORE Questions Every Witch Should Ask Themselves

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Part of being a Witch is self-reflection. And, part of self-reflection is asking yourself questions. Every once in a while, it is good to gauge where you are in your practice. Here, I will provide you with five questions for that very purpose!

You may be here from the Facebook Group, but if you’re not: I ask questions every day in the Mysticmagicks’ Facebook Group to foster this sort of reflection for those in the group. If you’re interested in a daily reflection practice, I highly urge you to join the group.

Also, this is a Part 2 to the original blog post I wrote last year, with five more questions you can utilize along the way.

Question 1: Do You Follow Tradition or Are You Going Your Own Way?

Forgoing tradition is like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. You lose the foundation of a practice, which always has one common denominator: Magick. That’s not to say tradition does not get in the way from time to time. So, in those cases, you can throw it out.

Chaos Magick, while formally started in the late 20th century, dates back much further. I would say it is an elaboration on Folk Magick (which always starts up when the powers that be try to take away power from the individual). Either way, you can forge your own path without tradition at your side.

However, if you are a new Witch or practitioner, you should see what tradition can do for you. Or, at least, see if you can find a guiding set of principles to help you along the way.

Question 2: What Specific Practice Are You Working On Right Now?

In Part 1 I asked the question, “Where Do You See Your Practice Taking You?” This one is similar, but more specific. This question is asking, What are you working on right now.

So, what specific practice are you furthering in your work right now? Divination? Mediumship? Or something else entirely?

It is important to know which direction you are going. If an airplane leaving from New York to Sydney, Australia is off by just a half of a degree on takeoff, it will never make it to the Down Under.

Question 3: How Important is Magick to You?

This is a question some people will take the wrong way without context. What I mean when I ask this question is how important is it that you have a daily, hourly, or minute-by-minute Magickal practice in your life?

I do not fault anyone for being a weekend Witch. It is completely fair for some of you to just dip your toes into the many oceans of Witchcraft. But, there are those that are not real with themselves up front. They think that they will be a Witch from sunrise to sundown and even while they’re sleeping. While I adore the ambition, some are not cut out for it.

And that’s okay! For goodness sake, some people want to live their lives without worry every second that they messed up their karma. I understand. But, be honest with yourself so you do not get overwhelmed when you’re on your third day of a ceremonial ritual to open a portal for Demons in your living room. Wouldn’t want that to go wrong, right?

Question 4: Is There Spiritual Trauma Interfering With Your Practice?

I hear from people every day about being raised in homes where spirituality was used as a tool for abuse. It is sad, really. Yours truly was a victim of this, somewhat, but both my parents eventually let up on the evangelical “stuff” and became more open as I got older.

But, if you suffered from this type of abuse, your practice could be steered in the wrong way. For example, I recently spoke with a woman from Saudi Arabia who immigrated to Canada. As a child, she was forced to pray for hours and hours at a time and if she opened her eyes, she was lashed with a whip. A terrible story, I know. As a result, she now has trouble meditating and we are working through that. That trauma is severely impacting her practice.

So, do some self-reflection to see if anything that happened to you in the past has an effect on your practice. I know a lot of people are scared to death of Demons because of their religious upbringing, but, as some of you know, you shouldn’t be.

Question 5: Are You Riding the Broom Solo or Are You a Coven Witch?

Due to our specific biology, human beings are social creatures. We need contact with others to live a fulfilled life.

But, do not let that scientific fact blind you to the idea that you can be a solitary Witch. I know so many Witches who practice solo, but also wish that they could belong to a coven. It is a constant push and pull that affects their practice in a negative way.

Personally, I have a coven and practice with them often. But, for the most part, I ride solo. You do not have to have a coven to complete complex spells. It helps, but it is not necessary. Witchcraft is ALL about putting power in the hands of the individual. It is about the dissemination of power, not the concentrating of it.

So, do not let your isolation hold you back from having a fulfilling practice. And, be honest with yourself about having a solo or group practice.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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