5 Steps to a PERFECT Ritual Ending

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We all know we need to focus hard when starting rituals. But what about ending them? Here are 5 steps to do it perfectly every single time.

STEP 1: Say Your Gratitude

Some Witches and Magick Practitioners skip this step altogether. And if they do not skip it, they barely give it a thought at all. I’m telling you: without true gratitude, you are going to be disappointed.

And I’m not telling you to fake it.

Unless you are a sociopath, which I HIGHLY doubt you are considering their rarity (no matter what the media would like you to believe), you are capable of being thankful. You are capable of feeling gratitude for the things the universe grants you. Whether you give thanks to a specific deity, multiple divine beings, or you believe the universe is a giant septic tank constantly dripping raw sewage onto your head, be thankful. That dank sewer water will turn to gold before you know it.

Without gratitude, you cannot access the universe’s majesty for long.

And your gratitude can be whatever you like. It can be a quick thank you, a prolonged poetic grace, or simply a nod of your head. As long as it is authentic, the universe will know. And if it’s not, the universe will know that, too.

STEP 2: Mindfully Clean Up

You can’t leave your altar littered with crystals and voodoo powder and drops of goat’s blood, can you? Just kidding about the goat’s blood. Please don’t sacrifice animals in your home. Do it outside, for goodness’ sake 😉

When you clean up your spiritual area, don’t rake off all your materials into a bin. Pick each one up and mindfully examine each piece and remember its uses. Obviously, this should not take all day. Don’t waste an hour doing this. That’s overkill. All I mean is when you remove your salt circle, acknowledge the purpose of it as you do.

This is basically a meta-ritual that comes after the true ritual. And treat it with all the respect you do the actual ritual.

STEP 3 (OPTIONAL): Perform a Repeat Cleansing

If you read my blog post titled: 5 Things to Consider Before Performing a Ritual, you will remember that I recommended a cleansing before the ritual, depending on your level of skill and the type of ritual you conducted. If you are a beginner or working with Black Magick, you should perform the cleansing before AND after.

This is not just for your safety. It will prevent negative energies from building up, clearly. But, it will also give you that much needed practice with your cleansing abilities.

I always recommend Black Sage for cleansing and I have a Blog Post that goes into detail about what Black Sage is and how to use it.

Cleansing should be a large part of your life as a Witch or Magickal Practitioner. And performing it before and after rituals should become habit. Especially if you want that perfect close to your rituals.

STEP 4: Take a Second for Reflection

Reflect on what you just did. Did you follow all the steps correctly? Did you feel the energy flow through you during the ritual? Did you make sure your intention was translated into your ritual?

Ask yourself these questions. And more. Make sure that each time you sit down at your altar that you are putting your all into your practice. Before every ritual or spell that I do, I know that it is my will to connect to the Magick. And as I’m getting up, I check to make sure that connection was made.

Make sure you are giving yourself to the ritual. Make a checklist of the questions you should ask yourself after each ritual. Either write it down and keep it handy or go through it in your mind. Once you have done this, you can move on to the final step.

STEP 5: How Can You Improve the Next Time?

Now that you have said your gratitude, mindfully cleaned up your space, cleansed the area if needed, and reflected on your experience, you can see where you need to improve.

Improving your practice will never end. While I consider myself something of an expert in Witchcraft, I do know that I still have room to grow. For example, throughout the day I am performing spells and rituals from around 6:30 to 7:00 AM until around 10:00 at night. Most of these are for others, but some I still do for myself.

With the spells for my clients, I give the utmost care and attention to every single detail. I literally have a checklist above my remote altar that I follow. And, by the way, that checklist is 4 pages long. I make sure I include every single thing the person told me in their intention.

But, I don’t do the same for myself.

And I know I need to improve that. Every time I complete a spell or ritual for myself, I always regret not using the same meticulousness and diligence. The truth is, I’m rushing because my time is severely limited. But, I made a New Year’s resolution to stop that this year. And I’m working on it.

So, what do you need to improve about your practice? Do you need to do more cleansing? Do you need to meditate more before rituals? Whatever it is, make note of it and try to correct it the next time.

Incremental change is the path to improvement. And you will always be looking for that perfect closure.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.


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