A Quick and Easy Success Spell for Beginners

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Times are tough, especially right now. So, here’s a quick and easy success spell to get everything going in the right direction again.

What You’ll Need:

  • A candle (can be green if you prefer, but any color will work)

  • A match or a lighter

  • A candle snuffer (or calloused fingertips 😉)

  • A small carving knife or marker

Step 1: Intention

State what you would like to achieve with this spell. You may say it out loud or write it down. It is best to actually write it out, especially if you are new to Witchcraft.

For this spell, your intention can be whatever you deem as success. If you want more money, state exactly how much and how you are going to achieve that goal. If you want success in your marriage or relationship, state exactly what success looks like to you and how you plan to achieve that.

Setting intent is the MOST important part of spells and rituals. If you would like a more detailed explanation, see my Blog on 5 Things to Consider Before Every Ritual.

Step 2 (Optional): Cast Your Protection Circle

This is a completely safe spell, but this is also a good time to get used to casting protection circles before spells if you’re a beginner.

If you are a beginner, do not skip this step. Learning to do protection circles before spells and rituals is vital to your success as a Witch. So, why not do something so vital to success with a “success” spell?

Casting protection spells are easy and I give a full rundown in this Blog post about casting Protection Circles for Beginners.

If you are not a beginner and still want to give yourself a little protection, you can use a simple Salt circle. Try to use natural sea salt when doing this. And you will only have to put a small circle around your candle.

Step 3: Carving Your Candle

Now we get to the part all the artists love: carving the candle. This is a simple take. Take your knife and carve a small sigil into the front of your candle. If you are using a glass jar candle, use a marker. You may use anything you like as your sigil. You can make it a smiley face or a money symbol or something abstract.

This is a quick spell so do not put too much thought into this part. The more energy you put into your design, the less you will have for the spell.

Make your design and energetically put your intent into it. Imagine that your intent is flowing from your mind and into the sigil on your candle. You should feel the shift of energy as it flows.

Step 4: Lighting and Visualization

Light your candle. Watch the flame dance for you. See its edges fade into the air around it. Focus. See the heat from the flame dissipate and deform the area around it. This is your flame. It exists because you brought it into the world. The candle is your mind made physical.

Begin to visualize what you stated your intent to be. See yourself in the place of success. If you desire more money, visualize yourself in a time in the future with the money that you so desire. If you want relationship success, see yourself with your love.

Whatever it is you cast this spell for, it should be playing out in your thoughts at this very moment in your spell. Do this for around 10-15 minutes. You may set a timer if you need.

Step 5: Snuffing and Gratitude

Snuff your candle and do not blow it out. I recommend an actual candle snuffer, but you can use your fingers as long as you are careful to not burn yourself. You can place a wet cloth around your thumb and forefinger beforehand.

Now that your flame is out, while the smoke goes say a quick gratitude.

It can be a simple “thank you” to the universe or whichever deity you desire, or it can be a prolonged ceremonial gratitude. It is your choice. Everyone’s gratitude will be different. There is no set gratitude. Find one you are comfortable with and stick with it.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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