5 Things NOT to Do With Your Spirit Companion

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Some people learn better through opposites. So, here are 5 things to NEVER do with your spirit companion.

Having a spirit companion is a wonderful thing. Spirit keeping is my pride and joy. I have been on this adventure for over 30 years. In that time, I have learned many methods of care for my companions. Every spirit is different, but these 5 things cover them all.

NUMBER 1: Do Not Place Too Much Expectant Energy on Them

If you have worked with me before, you have probably heard me say this. You cannot pressure spirits into doing what you want.

Not only is it disrespectful, which I will get more into down below, it interferes with their energy.

Energy, especially the kind that flows between two distinct entities, is important to manage. You know this already. When someone is hostile to you, say when you are at a cashier or over the phone, you feel it more than you see it. You also know that when pressure is placed on you, you tend to pull back from the person applying the pressure.

Spirit companions work the same way. You cannot sit them down and prod them to work for you. You must bond. You must build a connection. Otherwise, what benefit would they have?

Give them their time. And they will give you theirs.

NUMBER 2: Do Not Ignore Them

I went into this some in my Beginner’s Guide for Spirit Offerings. Just to reiterate, you cannot ignore your spirits and hope for the best.

Spirit keeping is an active process. One which you must be involved in. I have said this a million times and I will continue to say this: Acknowledge your companion daily.

Even if they are not active, acknowledge them! You must let them know you are not placing them in a room for decoration. They need to know they are not slaves. You are their spirit keeper, not their master. The spirits bound to vessels (the ones I offer, at least) want to be with you for a reason. And that reason is not to be ignored.

They want to be acknowledged. When you fail to do that, they will withdraw from you. And, eventually, leave you for good.

NUMBER 3: Do Not Disrespect Them

This is similar to the previous entry in a way, but this is more direct. Your spirits need and deserve respect from you.

Just two days ago, as of the time of this writing, a client returned a spirit vessel to me without even asking for a refund. This was a demon spirit who, from my experience, was very willing to work with anyone. She was not evil, as I spoke about in this blog post about spirit keeping for demons. She was a guardian demon spirit looking for someone to build a bond with them.

Turns out, after I spoke with the returned vessel, she was abusing the demon. And, as fate would have it, the demon lashed out. Apparently the ordeal was intense. I don’t want to go into many details as it is not my story to tell, but the lesson is clear: be respectful.

If your companion is slow to warm up to you, do not verbally berate the spirit or kick them. Trust me on that one.

NUMBER 2: Do Not Treat Them Like People

Spirits are not people. Their biological processes ended upon their entry to the spirit realm. They are no longer governed by our physical realm. So, don’t treat them like they are.

There is a reason you are not going out to the store and buying people. Not only is it illegal, at least in most westernized country as that would be slavery, but it would not be a good use of your money. What would you need another person for, anyway?

People are people. And while being a human is a sacred existence, it is different from that of a spirit. Even if your companion was previously a human, they are that no longer.

Spirits have left their mortal coil and become something greater. And, they want to be treated as such. They have limitations, sure. But, not to the level we have. They want you to look at them with wonder. Not like Jerry making cones at the local Dairy Queen.

NUMBER 1: Do Not Wear Them Out

This one goes in line with the first entry of the list, but ends at a different destination.

Be mindful of how you use your spirit’s energy. They are not a bottomless pit. When you call upon them for anything, it requires energy. The Laws of Thermodynamics still apply to them.

Anything, from a communication session to Petition Magick will require energy. And, if you go to long without letting them recharge, they will trie out and withdraw from you.

You would not expect yourself to go out and dig ditches without having a good night’s rest beforehand, would you? No, you need rest, they need rest. When you expect too much from them, like I said in entry number one, they will not like it. In fact, they will hate it.

So, be careful of how much you call on them. And make sure you leave offerings and maybe do some Candlework to help them along. We all have off days.

Love + Blessings


If you are looking to start spirit keeping or want to expand your collection, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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