The Magick Filter: A Lens for Modern Witches

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Use it or don’t. But, if you use this filter, you will see your life improve. Guaranteed.

Changing the way you see your life through a certain filter sounds easy. It’s not. Altering the way you perceive the world around you takes work. It can take many, many repetitions. Up to this point, you have likely seen your life through a filter that was made for you without your knowledge.

Think of filters like things that distort your vision a certain way. Like a fish-eye lens. For example, imagine you are a bee. You will use a bee filter. For your entire life, you will be concerned about making honey for the hive. You will see the world as a place that holds only pollen. Everything else will be secondary.

Humans are, thankfully, more complex than bees. We use multiple filters for different situations. I want you to think about how you see the world around you. Are you a pessimist? Are you an optimist? Are you an idealist?

You could be one of those, none of those, or a combination. Most people use past experience to color their view of the world. Say you were in an abusive relationship, that experience will warp your filter on the world to view relationships in a bad light. The same goes for its opposite. Being in a good relationship will make your expectations so high that no one else can reach them.

We can change those things. What I call the “Magick Filter” offers 5 factors that can influence how you see the world. I came up with this for my coven many years ago and I think it will be beneficial for everyone to, at least, consider.

FACTOR 5: Synchronicity

The idea of synchronicity comes from the psychoanalyst and mythological expert Carl G. Jung. I could write an ENTIRE blog post on synchronicities, but to keep it short I’ll put it this way: recognizing synchronicities is a way of recognizing that nothing is a coincidence.

Using this as part of your Magick Filter does not mean you have to believe in “destiny.” Some people flinch when that word comes up. Seeing and acknowledging the synchronicities in your life simply means that you understand something led you to where you are right now.

You reading this blog post is not a coincidence. Neither is your opinion about this blog post. You build upon the events that happen in your life. And it is those synchronistic experiences that built the person that is you.

See them, recognize them, and then you can use them in your favor.

FACTOR 4: Sovereignty

Sovereignty is basically a two-dollar word for independence. But, I think its connotations help it lean more toward what a Witch (or Magickal Practitioner*) will find helpful.

Witches have been sovereign individuals since societies were created. Even if they were accepted by the ruling class, they still tended to practice in secret or isolation. Take John Dee for example. He was an advisor to the British Queen, and yet he still had to practice away from royalty for the most part.

And then you have your non-royal Witch. He or she was forced to practice alone by the cultural norms of society. And while the western world has opened up to Witchcraft in the 21st Century, it is still not widespread enough so that all Witches can practice openly.

So, you will have to be independent in your practice. You will have to be sovereign.

The good news is, you have likely already been practicing this way. You have the strength to do it, even if you don’t realize it. See the world through your own, inner strength. And you will have true sovereignty.

*I say Magickal Practitioner because I have gotten messages from some people who do not like to be called Witches.

FACTOR 3: Unity

You are probably already an accepting person. Most Witches rank very high in trait agreeableness and trait openness. And thank goodness for that.

You were likely born with genetics that made you a more accepting person. In my 30+ years of meeting Witches, I have never met a more kind and open group. And that is why I include Unity in the Magick Filter.

Unity is the bringing together of people, no matter what their ideological inconsistencies are. The world of Witchcraft is full of people from all different backgrounds, rich and poor, all ethnicities, and every political tradition. We may disagree on some things, but we have one unifying cause: Magick.

You may be sovereign by nature, but you are also a force for unification. Use that piece of the filter to help whoever you can. That’s why I started the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group.

And helping can be something as small as a smile or a kind message.

FACTOR 2: Action

Magick is a mechanism of action. I talked about this some in my Blog Post about becoming a Witch.

Magick is a translation of the unconscious to conscious action. When you perform a ritual, you are quite literally acting out the thoughts inside your head. You do not idly by as a Witch. You perform Magick. You act.

The world around you is full of potential action. And, as a Witch, you thrive on that potential. Whatever you need, there is a spell for it. And when you perform that spell, you create a channel for energy to flow. And to make that energy flow, action is required.

See action as a necessary part of Witchcraft. Using this piece of the filter will see to it that your Magick is successful.

FACTOR 1: Meaning

When you apply the prior 4 factors of the Magick Filter to your perception, you automatically create meaning in your life.

You become a synchronicity-conscious, sovereign, unified, and active Witch. All those combined will give meaning to every second of your day.

With synchronicities, you build a view of the world that is purposeful. When you practice sovereignty, you know you are strong enough to take what the world throws at you. When you unify, you have others around you that will help if needed. And when you are active, you know you have the ability to execute on your potential.

All that together will create a positive meaning in your life.

You know things don’t happen for a reason. You know you can be independent if you have to. You will have others to call upon. And you know you have the will to create change in your life when needed.

When you do all those things, meaning forms from the void. Having a reason for existence is important for your overall well-being. It is the compass that will guide you everyday.

Use the Magick Filter and you will find your meaning. And it might not be what you thought it was.

Love + Blessings



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