5 Tips for Witches On a Budget

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And even if you are not on a budget, saving is always good. Plus, finding a good deal is always Magickal.

When I first began my practice, “broke” was too-kind an adjective to describe me. I left my fancy-pants career to pursue Magick. Basically, I was desperate. And, desperation fueled my creativity when it came to how I spent my money. In those difficult few years, I learned a few tricks that any Witch on a budget could use to help their practice.

Here are 5 of them:

NUMBER 5: Select a Focus

For me, a lot of time spent in the first years of my practice was spirit companions. So, I made the decision that all of my extra spending money would go toward that and nothing else.

For you, it may be something different. It could be Tarot Reading. It could be Palmistry. It could even be something as simple as Candle Magick. Whatever it is, choose one and focus entirely on that. In the “Book of 5 Rings,” the author states that if you can become good at one thing, you can be good at anything.

Ply your craft in one area until your budget grows. The things you learned there will always transfer over into the next phase of your life.

NUMBER 4: Swap With Other Witches

I know in these current times it is hard to be social. Thank the universe that social media exists. There are many, MANY swap groups all over the internet. And you can use those to your advantage.

Most Witches will be happy to exchange things like crystals, home-grown herbs, and used talismans with others. Obviously, this isn’t ideal because of the foreign energy infused into the items, but your budget isn’t ideal, either. Find a nice group of people, either on Facebook, Reddit, or somewhere else, and build a relationship with that group. I am certain that someone there would be willing to trade for a few items.

In the days when conventions used to be a thing, I swapped crystals and herbs exclusively there. And maybe we will return to those days soon. Hopefully, because gathering Witches is a powerful thing.

NUMBER 3: Drop the Non-essentials

This tip goes hand in hand with Number 1; drop anything that is not inherently useful to your focus. For example, say you want to focus on Tarot Reading. What do you need? A few Tarot decks, some card bags, maybe a small altar to practice on—other than that, you can practice on a budget easily.

If you are practicing Tarot Reading exclusively, you do not need an expensive silk robe to practice in. You do not need a collection of herbs to put into an unnecessary cast-iron cauldron. And, you do not need a shelf full of expensive crystals.

I know it is hard to focus on just one thing, especially in today’s world where everyone seems to be convinced that anything is within their grasps. It is not. Drop the non-essentials and focus on one practice entirely if you are on a budget.

NUMBER 2: Meditation is Free, but Difficult

It has been said that meditation is the bedrock of any practice. And while I do not believe that wholly, meditation is an important skill to master for almost any discipline. And, guess what? It is completely and utterly free.

I will have a post in the future with some more detailed tips on meditation, but for you beginners out there: start small.

You do not need to sit and hum like some Indian guru for 20 hours a day. Take ten minutes and calm your mind. It is best done to either start your day or end your day. Either way, everyone has ten minutes to spare.

And from there, you can build up time to a healthy 30-40 minutes a session. Go in small steps. Increase your time by 30 seconds each month if you need to. Clearing your mind is infinitely helpful for any Witch—or any person, for that matter.

NUMBER 1: Use the Heck Out of Thrift Stores

When I began my practice, 99.99% all of my spiritual items came from thrift stores. And if you are curious, that last .01% came from items that were given to me.

Thrift stores are wonderlands for Witches on a budget. Need a tiny altar table? You can find a stool and decorate it yourself. Need candles? Old candles litter thrift stores. Need a pot to mix your herbs? Do I need to say it?

Thrift stores are everywhere all over the world. Use them to find dirt-cheap items for your practice. You do not need to pay top dollar for an altar when you can design an old one for yourself. In fact, for my personal practice, I still use an old coffee table I found at a thrift store for 3 bucks.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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