Quick & Easy Happy Home Spell

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Everyone could use a calmer and happier home. Use this spell to get closer to your ideal home environment.

What You’ll Need:

  • Rose or Clear Quartz Crystal

  • Black Sage Bundle or Cedarwood

  • Lighter or Match

  • Something Rub Your Smudge Stick Into

  • (Optional: Vervain Oil)

  • An Empty Home

STEP 1: Intention

The ever important first step to every spell: intention. If you have performed my other spells, you may skip reading this step, but DO NOT skip actually performing the first step.

Intention is always important. It alerts your spirit to the result you want from the spell. It sends energy out into the universe. And, the universe will only know how to respond if your intention has been finalized. Make sure your intention is specific and pertinent to the spell at hand. In this case, your intention should have something to do with having a happier home.

Your intention can be something like this:

“I desire the universe to bless my home with calming and fortifying happiness so that I may function better in my life and relationships.”

Of course, your intention will be different, but you should have a reason you are performing the spell. And do not be afraid to write it down if need be.

STEP 2: Getting Ready For the Walk

This step is mainly about gathering the things you’ll need for the next step, but you will also be doing some other things.

Once you have your crystal (preferably Rose Quartz because of its calming vibrations, but Clear Quartz will do in a pinch), hold it in your hand and feel your body heat bleed into the crystal. At this point, you should be reciting your intention either aloud or in your mind. This will transfer the energy of your intention into your crystal.

You should also begin lighting your Black Sage smudge stick or cedarwood at this point. Give it a little flame and make sure you can smell it before moving on.

Once the crystal is in one hand and the smudge stick is in the other, take a moment. Feel your energy concentrating into the crystal and flowing out through the smoke of the smudge stick. You should feel a trail going from your body, to your hands, to the crystal and out of the smudge stick.

Once you have that energy projection, we are ready to move on.

Oh, and by the way, it is best to do this with an empty house. Others’ energies may interfere with the spell.

STEP 3: The Walk

With both your tools in each hand begin taking steps throughout your home. You can do this with a single room if you need to, but the rest of the home’s energy may infest the room.

As you step, be mindful of how your feet meet the floor. Each step should be positive and deliberate. This is not a mindless walk. This is stepping through your home with the intention of improving the energy inside it. You may want to recite your intention as you step. That part is up to you; some people report better energy when they do that.

Allow the smoke to rise as you step and feel the energy of your intention leaving your body and flowing through your tools. The energy will emanate from you and into your home.

If you are having trouble generating positive energy, force yourself to smile. Studies show that this will create a hormone surge and trick the body into thinking you are in a positive mood.

Once you have walked through every room in your home with intention, ready yourself for the next step.

STEP 4: Feeling the New Energy

Once your smudge stick stops smoking, you can either discard it or save it for another cleansing later on. Hold onto the crystal and find the spot you normally meditate or spend the most time in. This could be your favorite chair, your bed—just know it should be the place where your energy is most concentrated.

Once the space is found, wrap both hands around your crystal. It will serve as your receptor in this step. Now, you should do the reverse of what we felt in step 2: feel the energy coming from around you, entering through the crystal, and going back into your body.

You may want to meditate for a moment or two. It is not a “must” for this spell, but it will put you in a more receptive state. And, if you have problems with meditation, I have a short blog post that may help with that, as well.

Assure yourself that the energy you put out can be felt within your own hands. Feel the energy coming from the crystal and allow it to flow up through your arms and into your heartspace. This should be a cleansing feeling, like your spirit just got out of a hot shower.

Set in this space for a moment. Still your mind and allow your body to feel this energy.

STEP 5: Gratitude

Like intention, gratitude is vital for any spell. Give thanks to something that you were able to call upon this energy and fill your home with it. It does not matter what it is—it can be the universe, a deity, or God. Whatever you would like to thank is up to you.

And like I say in all my spell guides, do not skip this step. The universe or whatever provides you with energy will only do so for so long without a ‘thank you.’ Appreciate the work you have just done and be grateful for the ability. Really let yourself feel gratitude for what you have accomplished here.

This should not take more than a minute or two. It does not have to be a long drawn out gratitude, unless you want it to be. Be thankful and enjoy your happy home!

Love + Blessings


If you would like to try working with a spirit companion or need supplies like Sage, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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