A Simple Pentacle Protection Spell

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Protect yourself and others with this simple spell.

This spell is a classic. And classics are classic for a reason: simplicity and effectiveness. You can follow these five steps to give yourself some peace of mind during these arduous times.

What You’ll Need:

  • Pencil or Pen

  • Paper

  • Someone to Protect 😉

STEP 1: Intention

You always need an intention. And, with this spell, you will be using your intention in a later step. Normally, I tell you it is optional to write it down. This time, go ahead and write out your intention. I have a full blog post that goes into the importance of intention here.

Intentions are generally made up of three parts: (1) What you want, (2) Why you need it, and (3) A pathway of action. Here, though, we will skip the third step in favor of letting our energy do all the heavy lifting. So, your intention should be something like: “[Your name or someone else’s name] will be safe and secure at all times because I want to ensure I have a lighter stress load.”

Your intention should and will be different. Just make sure it is specific and then move onto Step 2.

STEP 2: Draw the Pentacle

A pentacle is a pentagram held within a circle. The symbol has been used for many, many years (for better or worse) to mean so many different things. At its deepest roots, the pentacle is a base symbol of Magick. It symbolizes the “circle of life” that revolves around every person. It also symbolizes creative energy, the five elements, and so much more.

A lot of meaning is packed into this symbol. Do not use it without reverence and purpose. Just because this spell is simple, does not mean that you should not respect the power of the pentacle.

So, draw a star on your paper and then draw a circle around it. Make sure the circle touches all five corners of the star. This will contain the energies of the symbol and focus them on what you want.

STEP 3: Rewriting the Intention + Additional Ornamentation

Now, you will rewrite your intention around the outside of the circle. The intention does not have to touch on the ends. If it is long, feel free to start over and write your intention in layers so that it fits. As long as it is there, the universe will hear you.

At this point, you are free to make additions to your paper. You may want to write out positive and encouraging messages to the person you would like to protect. Or, if this is for you, write a positive affirmation or two just to boost the energy you give it a little. The additions are optional, but they may help make a better connection between you and the spiritual.

STEP 4: The Fold

Fold the paper three times and three times only. This will follow the Rule of 3 and imbue your spell with more energy from the symbolism.

With the thrice-folded paper between your palms, bring it to your heart and repeat your intention aloud three times. Say it as softly or as loud as you need. Then, sit with it and imagine energy flowing from your opened heart space and into the paper. Imagine the energy moving inside the pentacle and being held within its circular outline. Visualize the star swelling with your love for the person or for yourself.

Think positive thoughts. Picture peace. Let your good vibes stream from you like a forceful wind. Then, move on to the final step.

STEP 5: Placement + Gratitude

I have combined these steps because they go together.

If you have cast this spell for yourself, you can place the still folded paper anywhere in your home or keep it in your pocket. Most people will tape it to the door of their home or bedroom. You may place it in your wallet or purse, as well.

If you have done this spell for another person, you can hide it somewhere in their home. Some have even hid it in glove compartment of their loved one’s car. Personally, I have done this and threw it up on top of a friend’s kitchen cabinets because she spends a lot of time cooking. However you do it, don’t think about it too much. Find a place and put it there.

And, when you do leave it, say a quick gratitude to whatever or whoever you would like to be thankful. Do not skip this part. It is easy to find a place and then go about your life. Make sure to give thanks to something when you do.

That’s the quick and easy pentacle protection spell! Feel free to tell me how it went in our Facebook Group.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.


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