Your First Duty of the Day as a Witch
Could your first minutes after waking up be better?
We Witches are an eclectic bunch. They do not take kindly to rules and commandments. Why, after all, would we defy the highest rule of the land, gravity? We fly around and give the world our Witchy middle-finger. All joking aside, do not take this as an order from me. Who am I to tell you to do anything? This is merely a suggestion. Take it how you will.
What do you do after waking up?
Really ask yourself this question. And do not pull punches. What is the first thought you have as your eyes flicker open to the morning?
Is it, “Shut up, alarm clock!”? Is it, “Begone rising sun!”? Or, is it simply a feeling of dread at the coming responsibilities of the day?
To be clear, if these or something similar are your first reaction to waking it is okay. No one is expecting anyone (without the proper mindset) to raise from their slumber with the energy of a troll when someone steps on their dearly-beloved bridge.
When you ascend the stairs of sleep and emerge to the top floor of consciousness, sometimes Magick does not stand to greet you. Sometimes it is stark, bland reality.
So, what do you do when you wake up. What to do you feel? What do you think? Hold those thoughts in your mind as you continue to read.
Life is hard. Period.
To get to the point after the setup, your first duty of the day is to greet the waking mind with positivity. As Witches, we are sometimes pulled by the shadows of our society into a bleak existence. Some places are more open and others are not. Ask any Witch and half the time you’ll hear a story about how their family disowned them. Or worse.
And, to be perfectly clear on this point: it is easier said than done. I know this. You know this. A dark outlook on life is inevitable at certain points in your life. As the Buddhists say, “Life is suffering.” I would like to amend that statement a bit to: “Life can be suffering” or “Life will probably be suffering.”
Life is hard. Especially right now in our current geopolitical and medical climate. Understand that it is harder for some than others. Understand that it is hard for you. Have some empathy for yourself, rather than others sometimes. You feel ignored, don’t you? You feel like everything is focused on the rest of the world while you suffer.
That is a normal reaction. And, for the record, it’s true. Viktor E. Frankel, holocaust survivor and author, said that suffering is like a gas and it fills whatever room it occupies. Let’s not compare suffering “levels” here. We all suffer in some way. Let’s find common ground in that.
Now, that we’re in agreement that life is hard and you feel unimportant sometimes, let’s move on.
Stop Burning Yourself In Effigy
How do you react to your suffering?
If I had to make one guess, you punish yourself. You take a look at yourself and think, “This isn’t worth fixing.”
You torture yourself. You ruminate on the things that hold you back. You fixate on something that you cannot change. You don’t even give yourself a chance.
If anything, your first duty of the day is to not do those things. It is to not blame yourself. It is to meet yourself, not as someone who has hurt you, but as someone who deserves a kindness.
Here’s something I learned a long time ago: kindness is different from spoiling. Kindness is treating someone, or yourself, how you deserve to be treated.
Stop engulfing yourself in emotional flames as you crawl out of your bed every morning. I know I said I wasn’t giving out orders, but… you know, stop it!
Positive Energy is the single responsibility you have to yourself. Everything else will follow.
Being positive is a responsibility. Not a right. You have no right to feel good, but you do have a responsibility. So, show yourself you can uphold that responsibility when you first open your eyes.
As a Witch, you have more influence on the world than others. You are an empowered being. You have the gift, even if you do not realize it. You have made the proclamation that “I am Magick.” It is up to you, more than your average person, to make the world a better place. Your energy is more infectious. It has more reach. And, it is up to you to transmit that positivity as far as you can.
Start with yourself, though. Give yourself some room to breathe. Take care of yourself like you would take care of your child. Again, showing kindness is not giving yourself everything you want. Give yourself the appropriate amount of positivity. The rest will follow suit soon after.
If you can do that first thing in the morning—if you can crack open those eyelids and meet reality with your own inner Magick, then you are on your way. On your way to where, you ask?
To discovering your spirit.
Love + Blessings
If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing Witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.
If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.