Automatic Writing: 5 Steps for Success

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You’ve heard about it. You’ve wanted to try it. So, here are 5 steps to get you as close as possible to automatic writing.

Just as a warning, unless you have a deep meditation practice, you will likely not get this on the first try. You must create a connection with the spiritual in order to properly perform automatic writing. Do not let that discourage you, though! Some people take to automatic writing with no problems at all.

STEP 1: Gather Your Materials (and Intention)

All you will need for this is a writing utensil, a piece of paper, and a quiet space. I recommend a pencil or erasable pen because you will sometimes need to read between the lines of what you have written. Being able to erase certain passages is helpful.

And I am going to skip most of my normal intention-talk. I feel sorry for my regular readers for having to re-read all that over and over again. Just know, you should make an intention. If you think you shouldn’t, read this blog post all about it. To keep it short, have an idea of what you would like to address in your automatic writing session. Having romantic troubles? Address that. Have money problems? You know the drill. It is best to not jump around form topic to topic if you are trying this for the first time.

Also, some people practice automatic writing on their computers. I do not recommend this, but if you have trouble with the fine motor movements of holding a pencil, then this is another way to go about automatic writing.

STEP 2: Get Into the Right Head Space

Some masters can sit down and get right into automatic writing. I cannot. And, I’m assuming since you are reading a guide that you can’t, either. So, you will need to get yourself into the right mental state for connecting with your spirit.

Meditation is a good way to do this. If you need tips, I have a blog post for meditation and relaxing the body. I also mention relaxing the body because that is only secondary to the mind. If you can relax your physical self, the spiritual will come next. You can also use music, like binaural beats, to help you here. Most people find that beneficial.

Some people do their automatic writing at a desk. This is where I do it, but I began doing it while sitting cross-legged in the floor. Some beginners find that an easier place to access their center. Just make sure you have something hard to put your paper on top of if you decide to do it on the floor. Can’t have pen marks on that beautiful hardwood or carpet!

STEP 3: Address Who or What You Want to Address

Most of you have spirit companions that you will be using for your automatic writing. At least, I imagine so since you are on my website and that is what I specialize in. So, make sure you address them properly before beginning. If you want to contact an unknown spirit guide, that is okay, too. When doing this, you may want to perform some candlework to make the connection.

Automatic writing is a great alternative to pendulum communication if you have grown tired of it. I do not recommend it much due to its complexity when compared to dowsing or pendulum communication. But if you are ready to take the next step, it is a wonderful way to grow closer to your spirit collection or to get general advice from guides.

Just make sure you connect with what you want to connect with and you will be ready to move on to the next step.

STEP 4: Write!

This is the fun part: the actual writing!

As this is the most important step, the most attention should be paid to it. Disconnect your conscious mind from your hand (or hands if using a keyboard). This can be done by focusing on your wrists. The best way I know to do this is to try to imagine feeling inside the many bones of your wrists. Imagine the web of cartilage and bones that keep your hands and fingers steady. Slowly, the feeling will leave your hand and you can let someone or something else take over.

Give yourself a good amount of time here. At least ten minutes. Let your hand move in any way it is pulled. Even if letters are not created, pictures may be. In that case, it is still a message. You just may have to do a little more digging to find out what your spirit is trying to tell you.

As soon as you feel your consciousness crawling back, stop. Do not force this. If you do, you will get a conflicting message that is influenced by you. You want as little interference from yourself as possible. And then, move onto the final step.

STEP 5: Interpretation (and Gratitude)

Now is the time to interpret what was created by your automatic writing session. This can be tough if it is particularly cryptic. But I have found when it is cryptic or hard to understand, the answer is far more meaningful. Some people have zero troubles with this step because everything is written plainly. I call those people “lucky” because that is not how the process ends for me.

If you have drawn a bunch of scribbles (or what people around here call “chicken-scratch”), don’t worry. There is still something there. Look at it, erase if need be, and try to find out what was told to you. You will find a message in there, even if it is one you do not like.

And I will skip most of the gratitude-talk like I did with intention. Be gracious with whoever or whatever you addressed. If you need some pointers on gratitude, I have a full blog post just for you.

Love + Blessings


If you would like to try using automatic writing with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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