Easy Lunar Magick Love Lotion in 5 Steps

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Use this easy guide to create an all-natural lotion that will tighten the binds of ANY relationship!


  • A clear or red container large enough to hold around 3-4 ounces or 85-100 grams

  • 2 ounces or 56 grams of clear, coconut oil

  • A couple dried and crushed rose petals

  • 2-4 drops of rose essential oil

  • (Optional: a lotion base if you would like to thicken the mixture)

  • A full or waxing moon 😉

STEP 1: Gathering Materials and Intention

To start off, you should have all of your materials in an easily accessible form. The importance of this will be further illustrated in STEP 2. Make sure you can get to everything within a single movement.

And then comes the intention. Make sure you are, at least, visualizing the person you would like to grow closer with before you begin creating your Love Lotion. If you want to take this a step further, you can have a picture of them within your sight AND you can write down exactly how you would like to grow closer to them.

STEP 2: Mixing With Purpose

When creating potions or lotions like this, it is important to do it mindfully. Do not just drop everything in and start mixing. Add each ingredient in a thoughtful way.

A good exercise is to come up with a reason you love the person for every ingredient you add. For example, you can say, “I love Georgia because she is a thoughtful and caring soul,” before you add the drops of essential oil.

Another option is to wave each ingredient over the person’s photo so that their energy is infused with the ingredient. Obviously, you can do both, as well!

You can either mix these in a bowl or vial. I recommend a vial if you are just making one for a single use in an oil without the lotion base. If you are using the lotion base, I would quadruple the ingredients and make it in a bowl. Then, you can transfer it to individual vials.

STEP 3: Using the Moon

Place the vial or bowl in the light of the moon. This step is very simple.

If you would like to put a little more intention into this step, you can perform a Moon Drawing Ritual, which I have a guide for HERE. The only difference in the ritual you will take is instead of pulling the Lunar energy into yourself, you should direct it into your Love Lotion.

Either way, leave your creation in the light of the moon for an entire night. You may place it in front of a window if you cannot place it outside directly. In fact, I would recommend this so that little buggies do not invade your Love Lotion.

STEP 4: Application

Here, you should be completely done. The mixture should have stood in the light of the moon for the night before application.

You do not have to slather your whole body with the lotion to receive the desired effect. I recommend placing a small amount on both wrists and rubbing it in. This will ensure that the scent doesn’t overpower.

While applying the Love Lotion, make sure you are thinking of the person you made the lotion for in the first place. Their energy should imbue the action of application to ensure transference.

STEP 5: Gratitude

At this point, the lotion should be applied and ready to take effect. Now, all that is left is the gratitude.

Gratitudes can be short and sweet or long and thoughtful. Your choice. Just make sure you are giving the power a thank you, otherwise the power will withdraw from you eventually. Everyone likes to be appreciated, right?

If you need a full primer on how to end a ritual, I have a guide for that HERE.

I have said it many times and I will say it again: do not skip this step. So many think they can take from the universe without saying a simple gratitude. You may be able to get away with it for a little while, but you will not for long.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.


Beginner’s Guide: Hellhounds


Automatic Writing: 5 Steps for Success