Beginner’s Guide: Creating a Protection Circle for Rituals & Spells

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You’re worried about blowback. I get it. Here are 5 steps to create a Protection Circle to prevent blowback.

STEP 1: Set Your Intention

Creating a protection circle is a spell like any other, so creating an intention before casting is important.

Imagine or articulate your intention in specific terms. For example, you may think or say: “With this circle, I want to be protected from malevolent forces that seek to harm me and protected from the energy that may come back to damage me.” It’s a little wordy, but it will do if you want to use it. Or, you can come up with your own. Your choice.

Setting intentions for spells is the first step every single time. I will create a blog post that goes into the details as to why soon. Just know you need to do it. Follow this direction blindly.

STEP 2: Imagine or Create Your Circle

This is probably the easiest step of the five. You may either draw, imagine, or use a circular mat to outline your circle.

It needs to be big enough that you can stand or sit inside. I generally perform spells at my altar, so I am standing or sitting on a stool inside the circle for the most part.

Then, using a compass or your phone, determine the cardinal directions. Mark your spots in these places because this is where your candles will go. The reason we place candles at the cardinal directions is symbolic. It ensures we have defenses on “all sides.” In other words, we got our ducks in a row when it comes to defense.

Some Witches mark the edges of their circle with crystals, but in my experience this only serves as decoration. If you like how it looks, then you do you. But, it is not necessary.

STEP 3: Setting Your Candles

As previously mentioned, we will be setting our candles at the four cardinal directions.

The reason this is a separate step from the previous one is that it needs to be done with your intention in mind. The candles are what will provide your circle with energy to protect you. For each candle placement, you should be mindful of your intention. Make sure the energy translates to your candle so that it may manifest.

Also, if you are sitting at your altar, make sure you know where your feet are. A lot of Witches knock over candles when they kick their little buckled black boots in excitement. Don’t be that Witch. Because that Witch might burn her house down.

Many people color code their candles, as well. Green for North, Yellow for East, Red for South, and Blue for West. I used to do this, but now I use white candles for all directions. This is another one of those “do-it-if-you-want” things.

STEP 4: Pull in Your Energy

This is the fun part.

Now with your circle physically complete, we need to work on the spiritual completion. Imagine your head is a radio antenna and you are pulling in energy as a signal. Feel it first in your head, then your neck, your shoulders, all the way to your feet or your sits-bones.

Stay with it for a moment. Feel that energy run through you and into your circle. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. And as you breathe out, imagine the protective energy expelling from your mouth. It will fill the circle up. And, it will cover you.

This generally takes 5-10 minutes. It’s a nice, short meditative practice to prepare you for your upcoming spellwork.

STEP 5: Closing Your Circle

You will do this AFTER you do the spell you were preparing for in the first place. I repeat: AFTER.

You will begin by snuffing your candles. Do not blow them out. I go more into candlework in this post. Blowing them out will negate the Magick before it is finished. Either pinch the flame or use a candle snuffer.

After that, say a closing gratitude to the universe for granting you the protection. Always open your spells and rituals with an intention and close them with a gratitude. This will keep the universe, higher power, or whatever you believe in your favor. I don’t care if you believe in a giant praying mantis with octopus arms, be thankful you were given the opportunity to perform Magick. Gratitude will get you where you want to be.

After this, you are free to take a few meditative breaths or go straight to clean up. I like to center my energy before cleaning up, so this part is—say it with me: “Up to you.”

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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