5 Things to Consider Before Performing a Ritual

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You want to do a ritual, but don’t know how to begin? Here are 5 things to think about before diving in.

NUMBER 5: Intention

I have talked about intention in many of my blog posts, but it bears repeating. Your intention in any spell or ritual is (maybe) the most defining aspect of that spell or ritual.

You need to know what you want to get out of your ritual before sitting down to do it. Magick is not something you do by the seat of your pants. You must have an intent to affect something in your physical or spiritual world. In other words, knowing why you want to perform a spell is more important than knowing how.

That’s not to discount experience, either. Knowing how to perform a specific ritual, especially in ceremonial Magick, but why you are doing a spell is more important. Especially if you are a beginner. You can get by with missing some steps, but you won’t get anywhere if you have no idea where you want to go.

NUMBER 4: Action

Are you willing to take the action to complete the ritual?

Most people think Witches light some candles, say some flowery words, finagle with crystals, and call it a night. Not true. Witches, when performing rituals for themselves, are creatures of action.

Rituals, and spells, open channels for Magick to flow through. When you set an intention for your ritual, you are choosing which channels you would like to open. Say you perform a Love Magick ritual. The ritual will open the pathway for the Magick to carry you. You still have to put the effort needed to attract a certain person.

I cast spells for people all day, every day. And, over half of them expect to sit back and have the world delivered to them. They think that is how Magick works. It is not. You must give the Magick something to work through. And that “something” is action.

NUMBER 3: Goals

You may be thinking intentions are the same as goals. They’re not.

Think of intentions as your starting line. And goals are where you finish. An intention will put your ritual in motion. Say you start a Wealth Magick ritual with the intention of having more money. The goal is the endpoint of the ritual.

Your goal in any ritual should be as specific as possible. For a Wealth Magick ritual, it should be something like: “I want to make 23.7% more money this year.” While your intention for the spell is simply, “Make more money.”

If you don’t have a goal, you won’t have an idea of where the endpoint is. If you make your goal “more money” then when do you get there. Technically, once you make 1 cent more than you had before, your ritual is complete and the Magick will end.

Have a specific goal in mind. It is necessary.

NUMBER 2: Precautions

Does the ritual you are performing require an prerequisite measures?

What kind of spell are you doing? White Magick? Black Magick? Something else? Well, if you are seeking to influence anyone’s behavior against their will, it is Black Magick.

Black Magick is not evil, regardless of what people will say. It is simply a wide classification of a certain type of spells. And when you perform it, you must proceed with caution.

I would say half of the spells I cast are Black Magick. And for each one, I ALWAYS perform a White Magick Protection & Cleansing ritual on the person who wanted the casting. Most of them don’t even know this. They just think the Black Magick spell was cast and that’s it.

I look out for them even when they don’t even know it. And I want you to look out for you before you perform any ritual.

NUMBER 1: Capability

There are a lot of Witches out there who will give you instructions based on your skill level. And, they will absolutely forbid you from practicing above that level.

It is my belief that you should go after what you want. And if mistakes are made, that’s how you learn. Thankfully, most mistakes are 99.99% fixable. You’re not going to mess up your life or anyone else’s with Magick unless you are RIDICULOUSLY careless.

I have talked about how people do not like it when you discount their fears in past posts. And it will always make them mad. I’m okay with that. The truth hurts and I will never be a fear monger. That is something that I see a lot of my contemporaries doing and I will never go along with it.

People like to think they are playing with cosmic forces every time they sit down at their altar. Here’s a secret: you’re not.

Sure, the power you are playing with is beyond you, but it is not enough to wreck your existence. So, explore if you want to. The worst that can happen is you have to do the spell or ritual over again. I want Witches and Magickal Practitioners to find their path.

Don’t worry too much about capability. Do not ignore it, either. There is a middle ground. Explore, but don’t dive too deep until you’re ready.

Love + Blessings


If you want to try a beginner’s ritual, try THIS ONE on the next full moon. It is great for beginners.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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