Spirit Keeping Beginner’s Guide: Demons

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You brought a demon into your home. Now what? Here’s what.

1: Demons Are Not (Necessarily) Evil

It is a HUGE misconception and I cannot blame anyone for thinking demons are automatically evil. This is not the case.

In my experience, demons are just like any other entity with their own preferences, personalities, etc. I have owned evil angel spirits, I have owned good demon spirits. It is not an automatic that entities will assume their perceived moral preconceptions.

The reason for this misconception is pop-culture, legends, and religion. The assumption about demons is that they seek to do harm to anyone who crosses their paths. Some are capable of this, but most of the time they are just looking for some structure in their existence.

2: Demons Can Be and Are Protective

When someone wrongs you, demons may lash out at that person. It is the reason that most demons I offer are also called “revenge spirits.” If they care for you, they are protective. And when someone hurts or abuses you, they will pay for it.

People have reported being possessed by demons as a curse for moving old objects or with revenge spells. The demons are protecting something. It does not come from an inherently evil nature, like I mentioned in the previous entry.

There is a reason demons are said to “guard” old Egyptian tombs and other religious paraphernalia. The sorcerers or Witches of those times knew exactly how to ward off trespassers. They bonded with a demon, made a deal with it, and it was loyal to them until… well, this day.

Demons are protective. They care. Deeply. It is their nature.

3: Demons Do Not Possess People For “Fun”

Demons will not put up with any guff from anyone. In fact, I believe this is where most of the “legends” and “movies” come from.

Take the movie The Exorcist, for instance. It is a movie about a girl who gets possessed by a demon. We never truly know why she is possessed. We know it has something to do with a Ouija Board, but we do not learn why the demon chose her. It could be, and this is my theory and I’m treating the movie as reality rather than fiction, that her possession was revenge of some sort from the demon.

Of course, there is a lot of Hollywood magic injected into the story, but demons do not possess people willy-nilly. There is always a reason. It could have been that the little girl was mean to another little girl whose family had a demon attachment. Or she accidentally did something to a cursed object, etc.

It does not really matter. Demons are not going to possess anyone for no reason. It takes too much energy and it is too much of a commitment. Just think about the logic of it and it will make sense.

4: Demons Like Darkness

Demons like the dark. Both physical dark, like the nighttime, and emotionally dark. They thrive as companions when someone is suffering from depression or anxiety. They will not exacerbate these conditions. Actually, most people get better because the demon eats up the energy.

Most people with some “darkness” to them find demons helpful.

Demons also provide great companions for people who have strong shadow selves and imbalanced karma. When you are “too nice” and “give too much” demons will seek to balance your personality.

This is why people report that they are more assertive and confident with demons at their sides.

5: Most Demons Are Seeking Purpose

Demons do not like being left alone. Nor do they like not having anything to do. When you bring a demon vessel or entity into your home, they like being given something to do.

Most demons are masculine (or Yang) in nature. They like to work. They like order. They want to have structured time with you and when they are not with you, they want assignments.

These assignments can be anything. You can tell them to guard your house, which is what I do mostly. You can tell them to go after someone. You can request that they watch over you if you think you will be harmed. It is very uncommon to find a lazy demon.

I have seen them, but it is rare.

So, give your demon something to do and all will be well.

Additional Notes:

  • This is only a beginner’s guide. There are many different types of demons and I will cover them in-depth in the future.

  • Just because I said demons are not inherently evil, does not mean they cannot be dangerous. Be mindful of how you treat them.

Love + Blessings


If you would like to try working with demons, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

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