Beginners Guide: Spirit Offerings (4).gif

A happy spirit is an active spirit. You wanna keep them that way, right?

Every spirit or entity has offerings that they like. This is more of a general guide that can apply to any spiritual companion. In-depth guides for all types are coming. This is just a primer for those who are learning with their first, or first few, spirits.

And you DO NOT need an altar to leave offerings. This is a common misconception by what I like to call “Fancy-britches Witches.” They want you to think you need all this occult iconography and talismans and little statues. You don’t. All you need to to identify an area in your home as spiritually significant. It can be the floor, a table, or your toilet lid.

I don’t care where you make it, but identify it and use it.

Method 1: Candle Magick/Candlework

I have an entire blog post all about Candlework, so if you want to go deeper into that feel free to read up.

The cliff-notes version is this: spirits and entities will be fueled from the flame on your candles. And you can use any kind of candle in your Candlework. Some spirits like specific scents and colors, but you cannot go wrong with Candleworlk. It is an integral part of spirit-keeping.

You can place oil in the melted wax or carve sigils into your candles based on intention. Do as thou will.

Learn how to do it. Implement it. And make your spirits happy.

Method 2: Crystal Offerings

You can place crystals next to your vessels or on your spiritually significant area.

Crystals exhibit what is known as a piezoelectric effect, which gives off energy waves. This effect is also given off by our own bones and DNA*. In this way, spirits feed off them similar to fire element energy from candles as seen in the previous step.

Different crystals give off different levels of this energy and some even add additional effects. Quartz, for instance, is your end-all-be-all crystal. You can use it with whatever spirit you like. It gives off energy that both heals and allows for easier communication lines between you and your spirit.

*Magick is in all of us and there is proof. Blood Witches tend to display higher levels of the piezoelectric effect.

Method 3: Food & Drink Offerings

This is the one I get the most questions about.

The spirit you leave the offerings for will not consume them. It will feed off the inherent energy within the offerings. The inherent energy is the energy you place into the action when you leave an offering, the energy it took to prepare the offering, and the psychic energy behind the offerings intent.

Coffee and sugar. Coffee and sugar. Coffee and sugar. Why am I repeating myself?

Because this is the best and all-encompassing offering you can leave for 99.99% of spirits. Odds are, you will never encounter one that does not like this offering. I have only encountered 3 in my life. And I have met or been acquainted with over 100,000.

Method 2: Action Offerings

If you have ever purchased a spirit companion from me, you have probably gotten my message about “acknowledgements.”

This is what is known as an action offerings. When you acknowledge your spirit companions, you are giving them place in your thoughts. And you are letting them know you are thinking about them. This is important. If you leave your vessel alone for too long, they will detach from their vessel.

An acknowledgement a day keeps detachment at bay.

There are other action offerings, too. And it can be whatever you want. One of my clients who has been with me the longest is a chef and TV personality. Some of my dolls have even been featured in the backgrounds of the reality shows she has been on. She takes her vessels to work with her everyday just to make sure they know she has time to think about them.

Method 1: Sigil and Rune Offerings

Save this one for last if you choose to try it. Some people get sigils VERY wrong.

Sigils are a form of Chaos Magick, which is not something to take lightly. If you do it wrong, you can get serious consequences. In 2010, one of my clients got struck by lightening after making a sigil. There is no way to prove that is why he was struck, but synchronicities abound in Magick. He is fully recovered and probably reading this (Hello, Ron!), but he did not heed my warning and went ahead with sigils.

I will have a guide on sigil making in the future, but for now I will give a very short version.

You can write out a sentence. For example: “I want my spirit to be more active.” Then you can take all the vowels out and it will look like this: “wntmsprttbmrctv.” Out of those letters, you can create a design. You can make it anything you want. Stretch the letters, shrink them, it does not matter. Put them on paper. Then, place the paper face down on your spiritually significant area. And leave it until you forget about it.

Runes are similar to sigils, except they are not so dangerous and have baked in meanings and Magick. For example, if you are working with an Ifrit Djinn, you may leave Ken runes. Ken is Elder Futhark for torch or kindling. They literally look like a less-than symbol (<).

You can write these runes onto paper and leave them on your spiritually significant area or around your home.

Use these methods and your spirits will stay happy and active.

Love + Blessings


If you don’t have a spirit to leave offerings for or want to look for a new one, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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