Beginner’s Guide: Gargoyles

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Most people think Gargoyles are simply stone statues. The truth is, they are a representation of something greater. Want to learn more?

What Are Gargoyles?

Originally named Gargouille or Goji, the Gargoyle is first traced back to a French man named St. Romanus. In this “legend” St. Romanus was said to have fought off a Gargoyle from taking over the lands occupied by the former King, Clotaire II. While this story is entertaining, especially to a Christian audience, the truth is much different.

Before the Roman invasion of Europe, Druids walked these lands. These people were much more in-tune with nature than almost any civilization that came before them. This was thanks to their penchants for amanita muscaria, but that’s a whole other story. The Druids existed in a very different reality than we currently do. And that is where the Gargoyles come into play.

Druids, like the Egyptians and Babylonians before them, used Gargoyles to guard their homes. And I’m not talking about the little statues on Victorian buildings. They called upon them as familiars.

The real story of St. Romanus is very different. He led an army to destroy the Druid culture in France. And he did. Afterwards, he used the Gargoyle as his trophy for massacring thousands.

Where Do Gargoyles Come From?

This is a tough question to answer. Gargoyles have shown up in history since civilization began. Representations of them can be found in the earliest human settlements, like Gobekli Tepe. Although they went by other names before the Druids, they have always served as protectors of people.

When manifesting, they can also appear completely different from one another. One may have the head of a snake, another with the face of a human, and a third may have a lion’s maw. Each one will have their own looks based on the people around them. For example, a Gargoyle may even take on the appearance of a Demon in Abrahamic lands.

Their true purpose is to frighten people away from protected or sacred lands. And there have always been lands to protect. Thus, humans have always called upon the Gargoyle to do so.

Do Gargoyles Have Personalities?

Well, of course! They are cognizant beings, each with their own dislikes and likes and emotions. I will say, Gargoyles are typically quiet creatures. They like attention, but not too much. Their job is guard. Let them do that, and they will be happy.

Gargoyles are also kind of gruff. They do not like weakness. In fact, when they are around you, you will feel stronger. If you display weakness around a Gargoyle, they are less likely to serve you as well. It seems counter-intuitive, but trust me: you will not feel weak around one. Their presence is very heavy.

Do Gargoyles Make Good Spirit Companions?

While not as popular as Demons or Golem as guardians, they certainly make skilled companions in their own right. Gargoyles require far less care than Demons and are more interactive than Golem. It all depends on what you are looking for.

What Would My Gargoyle Look Like?

The way I will answer that question is: What are you guarding against?

Is it Psychic Vampires, Curses, or other people? Depending on what you call upon them for, and based on your personality, your Gargoyles will morph to fit your purposes.

For example, say you want to keep your neighbor away. Then your Gargoyle will take the appearance of what your neighbor fears most. I have had some clients report that their Gargoyle’s face took the shape of their enemies mother.

I hope that was a good beginner’s primer on Gargoyles for you. In the future, I will have a more detailed description of them in the Spirit Keeping Encyclopedia.

Love + Blessings


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