Beginner’s Guide: Kinetic Magick

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There are few Magicks more studied than Kinetic Magick. Here, I will list the basics of the practice and some of its history.

What is Kinetic Magick?

Kinetic Magick is a practice that uses personal energy vibrations to influence the physical world. You may have heard of telekinesis before. This is a type of Magick used to move objects with mental energy. While rare, it is possible.

To get some things out of the way, there are A LOT of very skilled sleight-of-hand “magicians” out there who can trick people into thinking they are doing something they are not. Thanks to the late, great James Randi the lying, wannabe Uri Geller was exposed on live television for faking telekinesis. Many Magick users loathe Randi, but I loved him for separating the wheat from the chaff.

Personally, I have seen people use telekinesis, as well as other forms of Kinetic Magick. It is not as “in-your-face” as movies like Carrie would like you to believe, but it is real. Even the CIA researched Kinetic Magick is their Project Stargate. And, according to some parapsychologists, the results of their research was very interesting.

How does Kinetic Magick work?

Kinetic Magick uses energy to manipulate matter. Kinetic means: “related to motion.” This means it is using Magick to create motion in an object or environment.

Users of Kinetic Magick can gain kinetic energy through a multitude of ways.

One method is to take a Vampiric approach. These users siphon kinetic energy from their surroundings. For example, many of these types of users meditate around rivers, storms, and even windmills so that they absorb this energy. Any place, even a factory, is a producer of this kind of energy. Although, natural sources are the best way to go.

Others generate kinetic energy within themselves. This involves exercise or any kind of movement. While this method takes longer, users tend to have more control over this kind of kinetic energy. Think of it this way: harvesting the energy of a lightning storm is difficult and chaotic, but allowing your body to generate it will allow for ease of use and more orderly energy.

Once the energy is harnessed, the user can exploit and project it into the world.

What can Kinetic Magick do?

Oh, all sorts of things.

Many, MANY fields of Magick are tied to Kinetic Magick. Creating forcefields, moving objects, redirecting storms, atmospheric manipulation, biological control (temperature reduction & raising)—and so much more.

Nowadays, the main things people are looking for are forcefield generation and telekinesis, but the Kinetic Magick field is very wide.

How do I get started with Kinetic Magick?

I am not an expert in Kinetic Magick. I am merely a jack-of-all-trades inside the wide web of Magick, with a specialization in Spirit Keeping. So, I may not be the best person to answer this question.

Although, I do know quite a few people who practice it religiously. So, I asked them for advice to give.

All of them said one thing: meditation. It is necessary for Kinetic Magick. You must develop a full and frequent meditation practice before you even begin to think about beginning a practice in Kinetic Magick. You must also be sensitive to energies. Likely, if you aren’t sensitive already, you will have no interest in Kinetic Magick. Your path will follow a different direction.

Once you establish both those things, you should have a hold on the absorption of energy. According to the three people I spoke to, all of it happened naturally for them.


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