Spirit Bonding: 5 Tips & Tricks

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Why wouldn’t you want to bond with your spirit companion? Here are 5 out-of-the-box tips for doing just that.

I have written ad-nauseam about leaving offerings, acknowledgement, candlework and all those things. Do not let this post make you think those things are not important—they are the MOST important. But, if you do want to take things a little further, these tips will do the job, as long as you follow them.

TIP #1: Speaking Aloud

This may sound like just another way to rephrase communication. And, I’m not gonna lie: it is. But, it is different in a few key ways.

When you talk out loud to a spirit, whether it is a vessel or bound to you, it will make them more comfortable. It will also make you more comfortable with them. This is a barrier a lot of beginner spirit keepers find difficult to break through. They tell me, “I feel stupid talking to myself.” The thing is: you’re not. You are neither stupid nor talking to yourself. Your spirit will hear you.

So, what do you talk about? Anything and everything! Do not be afraid to get personal. Invest your emotional well-being in your companion. Make them someone you come to when you are feeling emotional—happy or sad! You can even sing to them if you are feeling adventurous.

TIP #2: A Dab of Oil

Obviously, you do not want to soak yourself or your spirit vessel in essential oils. Not only will it smell like you just left the worst perfume booth at the mall, you will feel slick and the oils may cause you to break out. Just a dab will do.

Take a drop of mint oil and place it on the bridge of your nose and trace it down to the tip. There should be a slight sheen to the trail of oil there. If you have a doll vessel, do the same to it. If you have a jewelry vessel, touch three spots around the vessel to make a tiny triangle. And if you have a bound entity, drop some oil in a diffuser and breathe it in (6 seconds in, 6 seconds out).

This little method will create a bridge of energy between the two of you and strengthen your connection. It is always good to let them know you are doing this beforehand, though. Don’t just go wiping oil on their very anchor to the physical world without permission first!

TIP #3: Proximity

Keep them near you. If you have a doll vessel or a jewelry vessel, keep it near you as much as possible. I generally recommend that people keep their vessels in their bedrooms at night so they build a connection through sleep. And keep doing that! But, if you have a day where you are staying home, bring them into your living room or whichever room you spend the most time in.

This will have a similar effect to that of speaking aloud to them. It will give your spirits an insight into your life. For me, I spend a lot of time in my office. It is where my remote altar is as well as my computer, which is the instrument I use to communicate with all of you. After my morning communication session, I bring three or four doll vessels into my office and place them on a special shelf that looks down on my desk. And, every three hours or so, I exchange them for others so I can maximize my time with all of them.

You do not have to have a specific system like I do. Don’t overthink it. Just make sure you allow them to spend quality time with you. If you’re brave, take them with you when you leave. One of my coaching clients is a chef and she keeps her favorite vessel in her kitchen at work with her.

TIP #4: Cleansing

A lot of spirit keepers are afraid to cleanse their homes when they have spirit companions. Don’t be! As long as they are from me, anyway. The spirits and vessels you get from me are always bound to not be harmful or negative, no matter if they are demons or worse. A good cleansing will not hurt them.

Cleansing will actually break down some of the walls between you. As a human, you are capable of putting up those walls without even knowing it. When you cleanse with a smudge stick or other methods, you will reduce those walls to a lesser form. This will allow your spirit companion to interact with you on a more even plane.

For me, personally, I am cleansing my home up to 20 times a day. But that is because I do custom spellwork for people and the energy can get kind of wild here. For you, I’d recommend once a week at the least.

TIP #5: Quartz, Quartz, Quartz!

Clear quartz is perhaps the most versatile crystal when it comes to spirit bonding or communication. Use quartz crystals, for goodness’ sake!

Hyperbole aside, quartz will likely take your relationship to the next level. If you have a doll or jewelry vessel, place a wand of quartz next to them. Most people only do this during communication sessions, but if you do it all the time, you will see activity and interaction go up astronomically. If you have a bound vessel, get yourself a quartz necklace or place a small quartz crystal in your pocket.

When the quartz is near them, its unique vibrations will strengthen the spirit or entity. Think of it like those old signal boosters people use to use for their car radios. Your spirit will love it. You will love it. What do you have to lose?

Love + Blessings


If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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