Magick Mandala Vision Board Guide

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Vision boards and Mandalas usually don’t mix, but I’m here to show you how you can use one of the world’s most ancient symbols to promote your energy and get you closer to your vision board goals!

Before we begin, I wanted to explain what a Mandala is and what it represents. And, I’ll give a quick description of a vision board after that.

What is a Mandala?

Mandala is the Sanskrit world for for Circle. What is represents is the wholeness in the world and in you. It is usually a large, complex, and geometrically balanced shape. If you would like a more detailed explanation, I will link to one here. I will also include a picture of one below:


Don’t worry, though. I won’t be asking you to make anything this intricate.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a kind of collage that represents goals and ideals you want to achieve in your life. When you have a vision board in your home, it will serve as an energy well to accomplishing your goals.

For example, you may have a vision of your life where you will meet the partner of your dreams within the next year. So, you will put pictures and photos of loving couples on your vision board. It is a very simple concept that helps a TON of people keep their goals in their mind and draw positive energy towards those said goals.

So, now that we know what a mandala and a vision board is, let’s get to what you’ll need to perform this little ritual.


  • Piece of paper, or poster board

  • Writing utensils (crayons or colored pencils if you want color)

  • A photo of yourself or a symbol that represents you

  • Other pictures (maybe from a magazine or printed from a website)

  • Glue or pins


    • Something to hang the finished product with

    • A frame

STEP 1: Say a quick intention to yourself (or write it)

Intentions are necessary. Don’t let anyone tell you any different. Come up with a good reason you want to make a vision board and a goal.

Think of why you want to reach this goal. Maybe it is being more successful in life, maybe it is meeting a life partner, and maybe it is reaching a new level in your Magickal practice. Whatever your intention may be, say it aloud if you can. Write it down if needed.

If you want to know why intentions are necessary and things to think about before beginning any ritual, I have a blog post ALL about it.

STEP 2: Making your Mandala

Draw a large circle on your paper or poster board. It doesn’t have to be exactly symmetrical. The universe knows your intentions. Do not get caught up in the details here.

Then, draw a line that evenly separates the top and bottom halves of your circle. This is your mandala. Sure, it is simple, but it will get the job done. If you need to for your own sanity, you are free to create any mandala you please. But, make sure it follows this basic design.

The top half will represent the spiritual, aspirational, and idealistic aspects of your goal. The bottom half will represent the physical reality, the practicality, and the material needs for your goal.

STEP 3: Your Photo or Representative Talisman Goes In the Middle

Take some glue, or a pin if you happen to be using foam board, and stick a picture of you in the direct center of your Mandala.

The reason you go in the middle is because you want all the energies to surround you. You need to be the center of all these energies coming together to build you up. Once you have that done, it is time to move to step 4.

STEP 4: The Affirmations, Pictures, & Designs

Now comes the fun part: you get to decorate your mandala vision board with symbols representing your goal and how you will achieve it.

In the top half of your mandala, write some spiritual and motivating affirmations for yourself. Give yourself that energy boost every time you read them. You know what you respond to. Keep it simple if you can. Fill in the space with as much as you possibly can and move onto the bottom half.

Below, you will include the earthly aspects of your goal, like the aforementioned photos. You can place pictures of loving couples if you seek to find a relationship. You can place pictures of job interviews if you are seeking to be more successful. Or, you can put a picture of a coven of Witches if you want to improve your practice with some social elements.

Whatever you need, find a representation and put it on that mandala!


You do not have to hang your vision board. But, you can if you want. Personally, I made mine for 2021 last week and sent it off to a framing company. But, you can simply stick it on a wall if you need.

If you do hang it, put it somewhere you will see it often. Like beside your bed when you wake up or beside your computer in your office. If you are more of an introverted type, you can even place it in your closet if you don’t want anyone else to see. I even know someone who put it under their bed and they crawl under there to see it.

Any place you see fit to put it, put it there. Hanging it is optional.

STEP 5: Gratitude

You do not get anywhere in life without gratitude. Say a quick gratitude thanking something. It doesn’t matter what that is. You can thank the universe, or the Greek gods, or even a Marvel superhero for all I care. Just make sure you give thanks to whatever drives you the most.

I also know someone else who thanks a Star Wars character. There is nothing wrong with that. If a symbol gives you empowerment, thank that symbol. Be gracious. If you learn nothing else from this blog post, learn that gratitude is a vital ingredient to any practice.

Love + Blessings,


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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