5 Tips for Relaxing the Body

Getting ready for Meditation, Astral Travel, and ANY Ritual

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Some people have trouble relaxing. I’m one of them and you may be, too. Here are 5 tips I have learned over the years.

Before performing Magick, you should get into a state where your energy will not interfere with the ritual/spell. Unless it is a spell where a specific emotion is needed for success (more about that in a future post). Being calm will lead to positive results. Think I’m wrong? Well, I’ll let you try being all nervous and fidgety during a ritual. Let me know how it works out for you 😉

False bravado aside, of course you are free to perform Magick in any way you want. But, these 5 tips are honestly the best ways I have found to enhance my spellcraft and relax my body.

TIP 1: Sleep! Please, just sleep!

I wanted to start this post out with recommending sleep because, while we all do it (hopefully), we all do not do it well. Sleep is of vital importance to everyone, and yet we believe we can sleep when we’re dead. I do not know how this trend started, but I would like for it to end.

As you likely know, experts recommend 8 hours of sleep for most individuals. It actually gets FAR more specific than that. And, there is a type of sleep that is conducive to a higher connection with your spiritual self.

This type of sleep is called REM sleep, or rapid-eye movement sleep. During this stage of sleep, your eyes will move back and forth really fast because our brains are conducting scenes for our unconscious to play in. And, if you have kept up with my blogs or newsletters for any amount of time, you will know that I believe Magick is simply making the unconscious real.

During REM sleep, you will be more open to the spirituality deep within yourself. If your energy is good, you will dream of magnificent things. If it is bad, you will have nightmares. It is a good gauge to see where you stand on the energy spectrum.

Also, getting the right amount of sleep will make you less-stressed. Which, in turn, will make you more relaxed in your waking life. Sleep is so important to a Magickal practice that I cannot preach this enough.

TIP 2: Essential Oils (But DO NOT Go Overboard)

I love essential oils and I have for years. Lately, there has been a surge in multi-level marketing scams (pyramid schemes) that seem to portray as “fact” that essential oils will cure cancer and cause demons to spontaneously combust into butterflies, rainbows, and sugar cookies. This is another trend that I simply do not understand. Please be careful of what these people tell you.

Anyway, essential oils are great for relaxing before a meditation session or sleep. Certain oils have effects on the body. Lavender, for instance, is great for relaxation. As you know, I am all about using proven science to inform my Magick practice and I would never tell you something that was not proven. So, here is a study showing lavender oil has anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), mood stabilizer, sedative, analgesic, and anticonvulsive and neuroprotective properties.

Be careful of the people out there who will tell you anything to make a buck on these essential oils. Essential oils are good for some things, but they will not cause your feet to grow wings and fly around like Mercury.

TIP 3: Have a Magickal Routine

This is something that I drill into my personal coaching clients’ heads. And, when they adopt a routine, everything else falls into place.

Routines have a bad wrap, especially among my generation. I love hippies, and I consider myself a retired one. But, being free of “the man” can only take you so far in our modern world. During our evolution from ancient humankind, we had routines. The routines may have been drastically different than the ones we would have now, but we had them.

A routine can basically be defined as doing the same things everyday, generally speaking. Obviously, some days you will go grocery shopping, some days you’ll work in the garden, and some days you’ll summon the Demon King Lucifer, himself, and wreak havoc on your enemies. Thus is the life of a Witch.

In all seriousness, there are so many ways to work Magick into your daily routine from sun-up to sun-down. In fact, I have a guide for a Magickal Morning routine right here in the blog. Having a routine will reduce stress on the body and allow you to relax easier. Heck, you will even be at less risk of a heart-attack. That makes it worth it, right?

TIP 4: Breathe

This may seem like an odd recommendation. And maybe it is; I’m an odd Witch and you’re reading an odd Witch’s blog. But, breathing is a lost art.

Sure, breathing at its most basic fundamentals is air in, air out. And you can get by doing just that. The thing that most people do not know is that focused breathing is something you should schedule into your day, preferably in the mornings. Even Harvard recommends it, and those gals and guys are supposed to be smart, right?

Focused breathing is basically slowing down your breaths and being aware of the exchange of oxygen within the body. It makes you present. It develops empathy for yourself. And, it shows you that without this invisible thing we call air, we’d be rotting meat bodies. In other words, you are humbled by your biology.

Most people accomplish this during their meditation. But, some people hate meditating. I used this as a trick to get myself to like meditation many years ago. Focus on the breath, and the rest will come.

TIP 5: Get Comfy!

Look, I was never relaxed in my lady business suit when I was back in the corporate world. Sure, everything was tailored to impress people who didn’t deserve my time, but it was never comfortable. That’s why I gave all that up and traded in my fancy outfits for my billowing, black Witch robes.

Maybe I should actually start wearing long, dark robes. That will surely make my neighbors look at me funny. A-hem! Sorry, thinking out loud here.

Make your environment as comfortable as possible. I saved this one for last, not because it is the most important, but because it is the most overlooked. The way you decorate your home directly impacts your mood and energy. I recently wrote a blog post about Creating Your Magickal Home that you can look at for a deeper dive on this subject.

You have probably heard the real estate phrase “Location, location, location.” This is true. The location you are in has such an influence over you that we cannot grasp all the variables at play. Make absolutely sure your space is designed in a way to reduce stress. Crystals are great decoration that double as energy balancers. Essential Oil diffusers can camouflage into any style. And none of this is expensive, either.

Also, what you wear is important. Make it comfortable, but not so comfortable that you feel bad about yourself. Wear things that compliment the energy you would like to have.

And those are my 5 tips for relaxing the body! If you have any other suggestions, feel free to share them with me in the Facebook Group.

Love + Blessings


If you would like to try working with a spirit companion to help with anxiety, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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