The Rope Method for Astral Travel

A Simple 5-Step Guide

Astral Travel can be difficult, but the Rope Method may get you over the hump. Try it and find out.

Astral Travel can be difficult, but the Rope Method may get you over the hump. Try it and find out.

As I wrote in last week’s post of general tips for Astral Travel, there are many methods to achieving the coveted out of body experience. The Rope Method may be the most popular of the bunch. Not only because of its utility, but because of its simplicity.

STEP 1: Relax the Body

I know—I KNOW! It sounds so boring and Astral Travel sounds so exhilarating. But, getting into a calm headspace and a relaxed position is vital to Astral Travel. If you are a beginner, this is even more important.

Calming the mind may be more important than the body, but if you can relax your body your mind will usually follow. As this study shows, your actions precede your thoughts. So, if you can calm down that meat sack your soul rides around in, Astral Travel will be exponentially easier.

Most people achieve a calm body-state by meditating. Although, some people hate meditation. I used to be one of them. If you are one of those people, I highly suggest you read this blog post about general meditation tips. Meditation can help you get into the hypnogogic state, which is helpful to the Astral Travel process.

If you do not like meditation, then act like you are going to sleep! It is basically the same process, except the end-state is different—obviously the goal of going to sleep is sleep!

However you do it, get relaxed. Try to find that in-between state of consciousness and consciousness. Ride the line that separates the yin and yang. Then, move onto the next step.

STEP 2: Feeling the Vibration

If you are doing it right, you should begin entering the state known to most Astral Travelers as the “Vibrations.” My teacher called it the “needle-state,” but the common name for it is vibrations.

Once your desire to Astral Travel in your mind is your prime directive, your body will act accordingly. You will begin to experience a sensation that many describe as, well, indescribable. During this state, your energy will align itself to the energy outside the body. This allows the spirit to leave your body behind.

Here are the facts of this state: you will feel tingles. Depending on your energy that day, the vibrations will increase or decrease in intensity. And, eventually, you may be able to influence the intensity of this state using your mind!

Think of this state as a checkpoint right before you begin to climb the mountain. Think of it as a space where your spirit is getting acclimated to the change in elevation. If you have ever climbed a mountain or did any deep dives in the ocean, you know there are many checkpoints along the way.

STEP 3: The Rope

This is the step that gives this method its name. And you may be surprised that this step is separated from the next step, but bear with me: this step is important.

Imagine you are in a white space. You may have already done this in step one. Now, picture a rope slowly lowering down to you. Make this slow. Do not let the rope drop and rebound like a bungie cord. This step is where people get excited. They get their heart rate up and leave the hypnogogic state. Go SLOW!

At first, the rope should be a speck in the distance. It will lower down to you like it is coming from a helicopter so far in the air it is unseen and unheard. Let it lower and lower and lower until it is within reaching distance. Let it sway over you for a time as you hold yourself in the vibrations of the hypnogogic state.

Now, we’re ready to reach out.

STEP 4: Separation

Taking baby steps here, slowly reach for the rope with one hand. Do not actually move your body. Imagine your hand moving toward the rope. Take your time with this movement. Do not tense your arm. Think about it this way: you know when you’re thinking about something and your mouth begins to move to the words in your head. Do not let that happen with your arm.

This is pure visualization. The vibrations will likely increase here. Your heart rate may rise, but try to keep control of it. You are in total control here. You got this. Picture your hand moving one centimeter at a time towards that rope.

And, eventually, you will grasp it.

This is known as the first separation. A part of you is no longer within your body at this step. Sometimes, it is useful to stop here and practice the steps up to this point. In fact, I would recommend that for any beginner. Total separation is not something you will get on your first try unless you are unnaturally gifted. And, odds are, you aren’t.

Be content with the progress you have made thus far. And when you are ready, move onto full separation.

STEP 5: Leaving Your Body Behind

When you have mastered the first separation, perform Step 4 again but with the other arm.

Now, with both hands visualized on the rope, you are ready to pull. Again, this is not a physical movement, but a spiritual one. Your physical body will be completely still here. In the white space with your rope, you will visualize the spirit leaving the body one small, teeny-tiny step at a time.

As you rise, remember to do so slowly. Go watch a video of a sloth climbing a tree. See how slow that thing moves? You should be visualizing yourself moving EVEN slower.

This may take some time. But, you will eventually feel the vibrations stop as you finally separate from your feet. Now, you are Astral.

Once here, especially for the first time, you will likely zoom right back into your body. You will be doing this a lot, so get used to it. It’s a practice. You will eventually move around the room you are in. Then you will move around your home. Once you get the hang of that, your destinations are endless.

I hope this short guide help you finally separate from that bulbous, imperfect mass we call our bodies into your pure, spiritual form.

Love + Blessings


If you would like to try working with a spirit companion to help with your Astral Travel practice, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

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5 Tips for Relaxing the Body


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