Astral Travel: 5 Tips for Beginners

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Astral Travel is easy for some, not so much for others. If you are having trouble with it, here are 5 tips that may help.

In case you do not know what Astral Travel (sometimes called Astral Projection) is, it is basically allowing, or forcing, your soul to leave your body for an extended period of time. Some refer to the experience of Astral Travel as an “out-fo-body experience.”

During Astral Travel, you may travel around your room, around your home, or even to different dimensions. Astral Travel was even studied by the CIA for a time (and it probably still is). It is a powerful and moving experience that I urge anyone to, at least, attempt.

So, here are 5 tips for getting you closer to that.

TIP 1: Stop Identifying With Your Body

Why wouldn’t you identify with your body?

For most, the body is the self. I thought the same thing for a long time. But, after years and years of spiritual work, you begin to realize something else is behind the rote processes and movements of the body. You may call that “thing” a soul or a spirit or a life force. Whatever you want to call it, it is there. It is the permanent part of you that will outlive your body.

So, why would you identify with the clothes your spirit wears around? Do you identify the shirt you are wearing right now as the true you? I doubt it. Don’t confuse the meat with the soul.

Why does this help with Astral Travel, you ask? Well, when you understand the body is a temporary vessel that your spirit inhabits, you can conceive of the separation of the two. Think of it this way: you understand your outfit is not a permanent part of you. And, when you go to bed, you take those clothes off. What is left? A bare body. When you shed your meat clothes, you are left with the soul.

Having this idea conceptualized in your mind will allow for an easier separation. And, as an aside, this may take some time to fully incorporate into your practice.

TIP 2: Listen to Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are two different tones heard in the opposite ears. This causes the brain to process the information it receives in the difference of the two tones. This can cause out-of-body experiences in itself because it will “split” your brain into two different processors.

Binaural beats are basically a modern recreation of meditation chanting groups. When a group of, say, three people were meditating with each other, the one in the middle would hear their separate chants differently. This would give the meditator an odd, sometimes euphoric feeling. Now, with headphones, we can recreate that experience with ourselves.

Many people report listening to binaural beats allow them to more easily achieve Astral Travel. And, it works for me, too.

The following tips are three different popular methods for going into the Astral Realm. In the future, I do plan on writing in-depth posts about each of these methods, but for now short summaries will do.

TIP 3: The Rope Method

The rope method is probably the most well-known guide for achieving Astral Travel. And it is for a good reason: it works. It is how I first achieved Astral Travel, myself.

You should be in a nice, calm state when you try this. I always recommend people lie down before attempting it. Get comfortable. Quiet the mind. Feel the vibrational rhythm of your body. Then, imagine a rope being lowered to you from the heavens.

Let it dangle over you for a moment. See how long you can hold the visualization of the rope. You can picture it moving back and forth over your body, swaying to and fro. Imagine a slight breeze pushing it away and closer. Then, picture it becoming still; a straight line between you and another realm.

Now, without moving, visualize your arms reaching for the rope and pulling you up. Imagine the roughness of the rope. Imagine the lightness of your being moving upwards. And, imagine a separation between your spirit and your body.

Finally, you should be free of the shackled physical self. This may take time to master, but that is part of it. Do not be discouraged. You will get it sooner or later.

TIP 4: The Floating Free Method

This one goes by different name, like the falling method, the flying method, but I learned it as the floating free method.

It is possibly the simplest of the three methods I most commonly use, but that does not make it the easiest. In fact, I believe it is the most difficult. When you master it, though, it is an easy way to slip into and out of Astral Travel.

The method goes like this:

Get into the same state as described above. Calm, at peace, and in tune with your spirit. Now, imagine yourself floating over nothing. Clouds may or may not be with you in the sky. You should be able to see your body alone in a void. Take it in—take in the sensation of loneliness, emptiness, and solitude.

Now, starting with your extremities, see your body dissolve. Your feet and hands will turn to nothingness first, followed by your legs and arms, and then the rest. What is left? The true self. The soul or the spirit.

You should be able to move freely in your pure consciousness state if done correctly.

TIP 5: The Pull Method

I saved my favorite for last! This is the method I use most of the time and it is the method I recommend to most people who ask. For me, it is the easiest. Although I learned the rope method first, this is the method I have seen the most success with.

Before getting into your meditative state, place an object out of your reach. It can be anything: a pencil, a flower, or a crystal. Some people find more success with a sentimental item. Personally, I use the pocket knife that was in my father’s pocket when he died. It has a permanent place on the dresser across from my bed.

Once it is placed, lie down in your bed and calm your mind (like in the other methods). Once you are in the required state, visualize your hand (or hands) reaching for the item. Do not actually move your hands. You should remain completely still with your eyes closed. Picture the item and your hand reaching for it.

If done correctly, you should feel your spirit start to free itself from your body in the direction of the item bit by bit. It will likely happen slowly, so it is important to remain patient and calm throughout the process. Eventually, you will separate your spirit from your body.

I wish everyone safe passage on their travels!

Love + Blessings


If you would like to try working with a spirit companion to help you on the path of Astral Travel, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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