Creating Your Magickal Home
5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Spiritual Space
We all have limited space, so why not make it as Magickal as possible?
Really? Why not? Why aren’t you doing things that make your daily existence more Magickal in every way? Most people get so bogged down with life that they forget the things that matter. And your spiritual health is one of those things.
In today’s post, I want to go over 5 easy, quick, and inexpensive ways you can make your home as Magickal as possible.
TIP 1: You Clean Your Body, Why Not Your Home?
Witches familiar with me know where I’m going with this, but in case you’re new let’s go over a few things.
No matter what you do, you make sure you are kept clean (hopefully). This day and age, it is actually quite necessary and legally encouraged. And, as Witches who vroom-vroom around on brooms instead of in boring ol’ cars, we are known for our cleanliness. You know, brooms are used for sweeping, too, right? They’re not only used for flying up and silhouette-ing ourselves with the beautiful backdrop of a full moon.
Having a clean home has two meanings. Obviously, you should have everything neat and tidy. It makes our brains work better. But, what I really mean is have a cleansed home. You can do this in a variety of ways, smudging being the most common. However you do it, make sure it gets done. Your energy will thank you for it.
I have a quick and easy spell to cleanse your home of negative spiritual energies. I even have one to cleanse your doorway so visitors feel better when they enter your home!
TIP 2: Get Some Symbolism in There!
I like having a resonantly decorated home as much as the next Witch. I’m a bit of a stickler for balancing chaos and order within my decoration. That is because I try to live on the line of balance as much as possible. I do not like garishness, but to each their own.
Some of you may picture my home with arching dragon statues greeting guests with a stable of griffins out back ready to be saddled up. That’s not the case, as much as even I wish it was. No, I believe in modesty. Pattern. And grace. And my home is littered with symbolism, even if the untrained eye cannot even tell.
Use the Rule of 3 to decorate if you do not want a bunch of runes littered about your walls. Have tasteful crystals in your room’s corners as energy balancers. Align your houseplants to the sunrise. Each of these things carries a heavy Magickal burden that will improve your home’s energy. And, it will make Magick easier for you to wrap your head around.
TIP 3: Use the Elements!
Earth, Water, Fire & Air; all four of these things are useful for balance. And each of these can be integrated into your home in a tasteful way.
I have already mentioned houseplants, which reference Earth energy. Wind chimes can be placed on your porch to harness the Air into beautiful music. Candles, of course, can be used to play with Fire. I also have a blog post on candlework here. And water is hard for some to incorporate. What most people do not realize is that mirrors symbolize the reflectivity of water, so you can use those if you do not have room for a giant marble fountain in your entry way.
The important part about the Elements is that you can play around with these. Even actions you do can fill your home with Elemental energy, like cooking and the aforementioned cleaning. If you are a Witch and you are not creative, then I feel sorry for you.
TIP 4: Who Needs Security Cameras?
I am half joking here, as I have security cameras, but there are ways to protect your home without them while keeping the Magickal vibe going.
In the doorway cleansing ritual I mentioned before, you will use salt around your doorway. This can be done with windows, crawlspaces, and closets for the kiddies. Pictures or photographs of people who have been protective of you in your life (or people who you idolize as strong protectors, like Japanese ancestry worship). Dream catchers to keep the nightmares away. Angel or White Magick iconography to bless. Horseshoes over doorways for luck—this one is particularly popular where I am from, even if people do not understand the Magick of it.
This can go beyond the home to, for your lawn and yard, but in this post we’re keeping everything inside.
TIP 5: What Else Could There Possibly Be? Oh Yeah, You.
You will serve as the main energy motivator in your home as a Witch. Not all of us are lucky enough to have Magickally inclined partners, but some of us live alone. Whatever scenario you find yourself in, you are at the center of it. While Witches collectivize into covens and groups in special cases, most Witches practice as individuals. And, as an individual, the most important energy is your own. Why else would you be worried about your home so much?
Ram Dass, a spiritual leader for so many, once said this: “I can do nothing for you but work on can do nothing for me but work on yourself!” That is so true. The more you build yourself up, the better everything and everyone else will be around you.
As the energetic center of your home, there are so many things you can do to improve your energy and allow it to radiate into your walls. You can meditate. Work at your altar. Cleanse your body before your home.
In your journey to have a Magickal home do not forget about your Magickal self.
Love + Blessings
If you would like to try working with a spirit companion within the walls of your Magickal home, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.
If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.
And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.