Possession: 5 Things You Need to Know


It is a common fear, but misconceptions abound when it comes to possession. Here are 5 things you should know about it.

And this post may upset some. People love their fears. They’re attached to them like a toddler and her favorite blanket. I have found when you dispel fears, people tend to get angry. I am simply telling the truth. And I have the logic to back it up.

Number 1: You Are VERY Unlikely to Ever Get Possessed

Possession happens. I’m not trying to take away from the seriousness of it. But, you know what else happens? Shark attacks, coconuts falling and cracking people’s skulls open, and Bigfoot sightings. All of which, including possession, will likely never affect you.

I would be willing to bet every shred of the green stuff we call money that I have that you will never be possessed. The odds of you getting possessed by a demon or other entity are 0.00000001%. Those are astronomical odds.

In other words, you should not worry about it. Worrying about it when working with demons (which I have a beginner’s guide on HERE) is like worrying about a meteor crashing through your roof, sprouting legs, and taking your dog for a leisurely stroll.

I hate to say this because I think a lot of paranormal and Magickal things are attributed to this, but most possessions are disguised mental health issues. Those should be treated with the seriousness treated to possession, not the other way around.

Number 2: Only VERY Powerful Entities Are Capable of Possession

This is something I don’t think very many people know. Most demons and entities simply do not have the ability to possess humans.

I’m not saying a lot of them would pass on the chance if they could, but they cannot. Thankfully.

Think about it: if all demons in every plane of existence could possess us, there would not be one un-possessed person in the world. You would be possessed, I would be possessed, and your dog would be possessed.

In my experience, only the demons described in the Ars Goetia are capable of possession. A few others are, but they are generally other manifestations of these demons. They get different names from other cultures, but they are all one in the same.

Number 3: It Takes A LOT of Energy to Hold a Soul

To hold a human soul, or spirit, hostage takes the kind of energy only a demon queen or king is capable of. This may seem like a repetition of the previous entry from above, but it is not. It is merely an explanation for it.

Lesser demons, which are the kind you are most likely to encounter, do not have the energetic potential to take a soul for their own. If they did, they would become demon kings or queens in their own right. As they built up their collection of souls, they would grow more powerful.

But lesser demons cannot do this.

The royal hierarchy of demons is set in place. There have been zero changes in billions and billions of years. If lesser demons were able to amass power, then there would be replacements within the hierarchy.

There have been none.

Number 4: Possession is NOT the Same as Attachment

Attachment is much, MUCH more common than possession. Generally, people function with attachments just fine. We build them up over the course of our lives.

And, attachments do not take us over. It is simply a way to exist for some malevolent entities.


Think of attachments like the remora fish seen in the picture here.

They tend to latch on for sustenance. They go through our lives with us, generally feeding off our positive energy. And, sometimes, you have too many attachments and you need to do a cleansing.

All of this is normal and nearly everyone has attachments. Being afraid of them will do you no good. A good soak in a salt bath will get rid of most of them.

Some attachments are not so easy to rid yourself of, though. Most of the time, it depends on how long they have been attached. Some can grow quite powerful over years and years of feeding. Extroverted people tend to have the worst of it when it comes to attachment.

Number 5: 99.99% of the Time, Those Who Are Possessed Ask For It

Most people who are possessed, ask the entity to possess them. Think of it like making a deal with the devil, although that is a very simplified version of it.

You can perform spells that will summon the demon kings. When they are in your presence, you can offer them your soul for their help. And then, they will possess you to varying degrees depending on what you request.

The demon kings and higher level demons are usually so engorged with souls that they do not need to take anymore. People are constantly offering up themselves for possession. People contact me all the time and ask me to perform the spell for them. They have no need to hunt for unwilling victims.

So, you should have (basically) no fear of being possessed unless you are actively seeking it out. There is absolutely no reason a demon king would choose you to torment. They have too many souls as it is.

Love + Blessings


If you would like to try working with spirits or demons now that your fears have been quelled, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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