Numerology: 5 Numbers with DEEP Hidden Meanings

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Numbers are symbols. Symbols carry meaning. Some have heavier meanings than others. Here are 5 of them.

Numerology is a heavy subject on its own. It is defined by Google by: “the branch of knowledge that deals with the occult significance of numbers.” Numbers have hidden meanings. Some need to be known more than others. In this post, I will highlight 5 of them that everyone should know the significance of.


As counting goes, we are starting with the number 1.

The number 1 is linked to motivation, motion, and action. It also corresponds to the Aries astrological sign. Most Aries have an independent personality, and it is no wonder. The number 1 carries so much significance in our lives: “1st place” in contests and the “number 1” recommended product.

Even some global brands’ names boil down to the number 1.

Take the aforementioned Google for instance. The name “Google” all adds up to a number 1.

G= 3x2, O= 7x2, L= 3, E= 5

6 + 14 + 3 + 5 = 28

2 + 8 = 10

And 1 + 0 = 1

Google, the corporation, chose this name because of the numerological significance of the number 1. They wanted to be the leader. So, they chose the number 1 to represent their brand. Be on the lookout for other brands that use this number, like Microsoft and Sony.


The number 8 is associated with wealth, success, and ambition. A LOT of small businesses end up with this number representing their brand. Also, in spells you cast for yourself that concern Money Magick and wealth-drawing, try to symbolize this number within your casting.

For example, if you are using candlework in your spell, use 8 candles. If you are speaking an invocation, say it 8 times. And, if you want to make sure the spell is successful, cast it 8 times over 8 days. Numerology can be implemented into your practice as often as you desire. And it is a great way to add symbolic Magick to your daily life.

PayPal, a company I rely on significantly for my online business, represent the number 8 in its lettering. There are so many more that I cannot list them all. I urge everyone to look for this number in banks and charities, like St. Jude’s. You will start seeing it everywhere.

NUMBER THREE: 2 and 11

2 and 11 represent the same power, with 11 being a little higher on the energy scale. These numbers represent balance, harmony, and kindness. These numbers are also linked to psychic abilities, so a lot of Witches have this number tied into their lives in some way.

Most of the time, the number 2 is represented within us in the number of children we have, our sleep patterns, and work/home life. When we have dichotomies, we invoke the numbers 2 and 11 in our lives. Marriage is also an invocation of 2 and 11.

Unfortunately, this number is abused by occult practitioners. Because 11 is such a high-rank energy number, we often see naming and symbolism of 11 associated with disasters, like the terrorist attacks on 9/11. Whether or not those attacks were orchestrated or not (that is up to you to decide), the symbolism of the 2 towers being brought down on the 11th day of the month was a signifier of separation because 2 represents unity. And, the destruction of 2 signifies isolation.


Three represents Magick. Ever heard of the Rule of 3? It is a tenet of Magick that practitioners use all around the world. It is used in religions, with the Holy Trinity, it is used in contests as the “top 3”, and it is used in movies and narratives with the 3-act structure.

The number 3 is powerful and you should make it a part of your life. If you have ever had a child, you are a living representative of the number 3. Two people convened to create a third. Birth, life, and death is another way of looking at it.

Most spells boil down to 3 steps: Intention, Spellwork, and Gratitude. The least amount of legs a stool or table needs to stand are three. Spirituality consists of mind, body, and spirit. The number 3 is everywhere. Work it into your life as a creative energy. See how the things you do every day can be listed as three parts.


I saved the number 5 for last because it is what fully represents me. At its core, the number 5 represents freedom. Even my country, the United States of America, represents the number 5. It is why I structure all my blog posts in 5s. It is why I wake up each morning at 5 o’clock. Even my full name can be summed up into 5.

The number 5 is also linked to bravery, experience, and wisdom. To fully embody the five, you should be directed to bringing everyone autonomy. That is what I am doing with this blog. You, reading this right now, are participating in Magick that is in motion which is signified by the number 5.

There are many corporations that also represent the 5: Apple (which is the primary electronic brand that I use), Pixar, and my son’s favorite video game company, Nintendo. 5 is the number of creativity. Any time you call upon the number 5, use it to express yourself. You will see the results 😉

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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