Welcome Ritual: 5 Easy Steps to Ensure the PERFECT Greeting For Your Spirit Companion

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You are bringing a spirit into your home. Good. Here’s how to welcome them.

To be absolutely clear, welcoming rituals are not vital for your success as a spirit keeper. But, if you want to be the best spirit keeper you can be, a welcoming ritual can enhance your relationship with your spirit from the start. If you do not have the things outlined in this guide set up, do not worry. You can play a little catch up as you go.

This ritual will also show you that not all rituals are filled with chanting or crystals. Rituals can be ceremonious, but most are repetitions of simple activities. And however you do your first welcoming ritual, you should repeat the same exact thing the next time.

Also, in this guide I speak about spirit vessels. This is because most of the spirits I rehome are bound to vessels. Some of you have entities or spirits bound directly to yourself. If this is the case for you, ignore Step 3.

STEP 1: Control Your Energy

A spirit or entity of any kind does not like entering a space with excited, bored, or expectant energy. They like contentment.

I understand it is very easy for me to say this. I have been collecting spirits for over three decades. I would be lying if I said every time I received a new spirit I was “excited.” You, however, are likely new. Or, at the least, have been collecting spirits for a handful of years. So, you are going to be all wound up when your spirit arrives at your door.

You do not need to shut off emotion. Obviously, you can be happy. But, excited energy often leads to expectant energy. And expectant energy is the worst thing you can exude when working with spirits for the first time.

Expectant energy places pressure on spirits and energy. Sure, some may rise to the occasion and show off for you. The majority will not. They will withdraw from that energy. I plan to do a blog post in the future that goes into depth on expectant energy.

And now to address the obvious: the lack of emotion. Your spirit does not want you to approach them with boredom. You can’t bring them into your home and leave them alone for days upon days. They want you interested in them. This is because they are living entities or spirits that desire interaction.

STEP 2: Introduction

Introduce yourself and your home to your new companion.

This is probably the most fun part of the ritual! Give the spirit or entity your name and show them around your home. You can be as detailed as you like in this segment. It is good to have some symbols in your home, like the pentacle or triquetra, to give them a source of Magick to latch onto. You may also show them your altar if you have one. If not, I have a short beginner’s guide on how to set one up. So, if you have these things make sure to show them.

There is not a whole lot to say about this step because everyone will introduce themselves differently. Be sure to put a little of your personality into this step so your companion will know who they will be working with.

STEP 3: Find Their Space

Your new companion will like to have a place of their own. Think about this way: remember when you were in school and you liked to sit in the same chair in your classes? That is how they feel. Your vessel should have a designated place they stay most of the time.

This is not to say you cannot move them from time to time. Say, you want to have a communication session with them. If so, it is perfectly fine to move them to your altar or specified spiritual area. At the end of the day, though, be sure to place them back in their space.

As far as where to put them goes, it is your choice. I would suggest somewhere where your companion will not be bothered. Like a dresser in a bedroom or somewhere near your altar table. Their space is sacred, so do not try to change too much about it.

STEP 4: Candlework & Communication

By this point, your companion should be settling in. You can now attempt a kind of communication.

Since you just received your companion, do not try to tire them out. The journey they were on to get to you may have worn them out. Because of this, communication through any means other than pendulum may not be possible. Also, to help fuel them, you can do candlework to give them a little fuel.

I have separate guides here for candlework and pendulum communication.

This step is not necessary for the overall ritual, but I know people want to communicate with their companions. This is the safest and smartest way to do it.

STEP 5: Have Offerings Ready

Your offerings should be ready for your spirit.

I have a beginner’s offering guide on my Blog. It is true that each spirit needs their specific offerings. The most universal offering for any spirit or entity is coffee and sugar.

So, if you can have those available for your new companion when they enter their new home, they will respond well. As you get to know them and do research, you will learn their specific likes and dislikes.

Also, if it is your first spirit, you can impress them with their very own offering bowl. This will show them that you care enough to give them their own utensils. The offerings are best given AFTER you have your first communication session as a reward.

And that’s about it! Welcoming a spirit companion into your home is not a complicated thing. After you complete the ritual, make sure you show them gratitude, as described in this post about how to have the perfect end to any ritual.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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