Morphic Fields and the Spirit’s Memory

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There is a force that shapes you. Is it Magick or is it Science? Or, are those two one in the same?

Why Am I Writing About This?

In Rupert Sheldrake’s seminal works, A New Science of Life and The Presence of the Past, he describes the phenomenon of the Morphic Field. This has drastic implications on why we are the way we are, and, as I suppose, the way Magick influences our development as human beings.

If you have hung around this website, or read my listings on eBay, Bonanza, or Etsy, you are likely in the Magickal Mindset. You understand that Magick influences our daily lives. For example, the set of actions you perform around your morning coffee is a Magickal ritual. Your sleep habits are ritual. Even the way you eat is a ritual.

Rituals imply Magick is being used in some form—you are projecting an energy from your subconscious toward a desired end-state. In other words, you are drinking coffee every morning because you have developed a habit around caffeine. Because of that habit, your energy has corralled itself in the action of drinking coffee and the outcome of the action. Thus, the ritual is born.

So, why am I writing about the Morphic Field if all I’m talking about is some home-grown theory about rituals? Well, I believe biology itself is a ritual. And I’ll tell you why.

What is the Morphic Field?

According to Sheldrake, the evolutionary biologist behind the theory, the Morphic Field is: “an energy-like field that defined the entire biology of all living beings.” To simplify, the Morphic Field is a force determines the shape and function of all of biology. Yep, that means plants, animals, fungi, and every single living thing in our collective universes.

Sheldrake believed that these fields were created by habits in evolutionary biology. This is where Sheldrake and I differ, at least somewhat. Why wouldn’t we differ here? I’m an old Witch and he is a decorated scientist. I do applaud his work, however. Without it, we would not have the evidence that biology is more than it seems.

And I’m not saying I do not believe in evolution. There are clear cases where “survival of the fittest” has taken place just in the last hundred years. What I’m saying is that I believe there is a universal phenomenological force that determines various factors of the biological makeup of living things.

Where does Magick play in this?

As I have established in my past blog posts, my definition of Magick is this: turning the subconscious into reality.

Using that definition, we need to define the “subconscious” to determine what we are making into reality. Your subconscious is basically your specific set of desires that you cannot access without some kind of intervention. And those interventions can be anything from psychological therapy to the ingestion of psychedelic or hallucinatory drugs. Or, my favorite method: Magickal Ritual.

So, it is my belief that this Morphic Field is something’s subconscious turning reality into a certain form. And before you make an assumption, I’m not about to get religious on you.

So, what is this “Something” that you speak of?

To me, that “Something” is your spirit.

I believe that your spirit dictates your specific biology. Your shape, your personality—everything is predetermined by your own, unique spirit. I understand that not everyone believes in an inner spirit. That is fine. I have no ill will towards those people. But, if you read Sheldrake’s work using a Magickal Filter, then I don’t know how else you can interpret it.

Sheldrake speaks of biology being determined by “nature’s habits.” I interpret that as nature’s rituals. And what is more natural than your spiritual-self underlying your biology?

To me, there is nothing more natural.

Your Spiritual Memory Will Define You, Not Fate

I am no determinist—I believe we live our lives on our own terms. The Morphic Field is not fate.

You can change.

When you use Magick to determine what your spirit wants, through meditation, dream interpretation, astral travel, etc., you can achieve a deeper understanding of your Morphic Field. And when you understand what your biology is trying to achieve, you can separate that from what your spirit is trying to achieve.

Following your spiritual-self will always be more fulfilling than your biological self. It is why I do what I do: to help you discover your spirit.

The Morphic Field shows that, through Magick, you are created from your own making. You can determine what you become if you can tap into that.

So, go. Discover your spirit. And discover who you truly are.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others. I make posts there every day to make you think about your spirituality and how Magick affects your life.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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