7 Signs You Have a Spiritual Blockage

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You may currently be blocked from being able to fully experience your spiritual potential. Here are 7 signs of a blockage.

1. Sleeplessness

Sleeplessness can come in many forms. You could have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Personally, I have trouble drifting off into dream land at times. When this happens, I know that a blockage may be forming in my crown chakra.

The crown chakra, or the Sahasrara, is responsible for most spiritual interactions, which is why I mentioned sleeplessness first. If you are having trouble with your sleep or are experiencing immense fatigue after waking, you may have a spiritual blockage.

2. Low Energy

While this may be related to the previously mentioned crown chakra, sometimes having zero energy has nothing to do with sleep.

If you are constantly tired even after 7 cups of coffee and an energy drink to top things off, you may have a blockage in your solar plexus chakra, or the Manipura. This chakra is associated with your central nervous system, which can be hampered by stress.

3. Disaffected Relationship

Have you had relationship problems lately? It could be that you chose the wrong partner, but it could also be due to a blockage. In this case, it may be the heart chakra, or the Anahata. This is the most common blockage I see in my daily work.

If your relationship took a sudden turn for the worse, your heart chakra could be having trouble expressing itself. This is because you have given too much. In other words, it is time for a little self-love. This can happen with a romantic partner, a sibling or relative, or even a friend. Don’t let a spiritual blockage ruin your relationship.

4. Inability to be Social

I am very much an introvert. It is why I am not super-active on social media or socially in general. I understand this about myself. But this is not from a blockage.

If you were very social previously, or you were an extrovert, and now find yourself withdrawn, it could be because you have a blockage in the sacral chakra, or the Swadhisthana.

This chakra is responsible for bringing new experiences and people into your life. If you do not allow it to function, it can become blocked.

5. Reluctance to Communicate

This is a blockage I have experienced many times. I can go days without speaking to anyone if I get focused on work or some new kind of Magick I get into. Something happens to me and I shut off every outside influence in my life (including my poor husband). When this happens, I know a blockage is forming in my throat chakra, or my Vishuddha.

Humans are communicative creatures. We need to talk. When we refrain from doing so, we allow an energy buildup in the throat chakra. If unaddressed, you will have trouble communicating thoughts and ideas for the rest of your life.

6. Inaccesible Spirituality

Besides the crown chakra, the Ajna, or Third Eye chakra, may be the most susceptible to blockages. Having this chakra blocked will make it difficult to perform any spiritual task, like Astral Travel, meditation, or spirit communication.

This kind of blockage can occur for many reasons: not meditating, negative energy influences, etc. Whatever the case, this may make it impossible for you to tap into the spiritual world. How many people do you know like this? It seems our modern society is built to block the Ajna. Make time to explore your spirituality and keep your Ajna free from excess buildup.

7. Sexual Frustration

If the heart chakra is the most common blockage I see, the root chakra blockage is the most common one I treat.

The root chakra, or the Muladhara, is associated with things like survival and financial success, but the most common manifestation of blockage in this area is sexual frustration.

A blockage can occur here because of lack of sexual interactivity, low-confidence, or insecurity. Either way, if you have been feeling like you can never be pleasured enough or never pleasure another person, you may have a root chakra blockage.

Blockages are common, so do not let this list scare you too much. There are natural ways to head off blockages before they get too bad, but most require Magickal intervention. If you are in need of services, you know where to find me!

Love + Blessings


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If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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