Beginner’s Guide: 5 Things You Need to Know About Vampires

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You started spirit keeping with Vampires? Good. Now, here are 5 things you should know before proceeding.

NUMBER 5: What Are Vampires?

Vampires are entities that feed off humans to survive. Whether it is actual blood energy or psychic energy, they need us. But, it is not a one way street. When they feed off us while in our care, they can bestow certain abilities, like needing less sleep, more energy, and, in some cases, minor transformations in ourselves.

Most people will never encounter a Vampiric entity powerful enough to create complete change in a person. They do exist, though.

The origin of Vampires is a tricky one to lay out. There are both human spirits who have been turned to Vampires and true (or born/natural) Vampires. Obviously, the origin lies with the natural Vampires who were created through means that are about as opaque as an Alabama red-mud puddle.

Theories range from deities creating them from flesh to them being here before humanity as an experiment. I tend to lean towards the idea that they were here before humans because many have communicated this fact to me. Nevertheless, something happened after their creation where they were cursed to need humans as a life source.

And, before moving on, I get the question of: “Can living humans be Vampires?”

Yes, but it is extremely rare. I have met a clan in New Orleans who entirely subsist off blood. I was with them for two weeks and it was all they consumed at any time. They also had an odd tint to their skin. 99.99% of people will likely never encounter completely physical Vampires.

NUMBER 4: What Kinds of Vampires Are There?

There are many different kinds. And most classifications are made for convenience. There are two common types that every other “type” of Vampire falls into: Sanguine and Psychic. And I will give a quick rundown on both below.

SANGUINE: These are Vampires who feed off blood. And, I believe these are the original kinds of Vampires. I’ll explain why when I talk about Psychic Vampires below.

Their diet is entirely blood. They do not ingest anything else. They are typically organized into clans, or nests, in their realm. They tend to group up in clans of 10-20. When it gets bigger than that, the clans splinter because of the hot-headedness of their natures.

They also mate for life, which is why so many people choose Sanguine Vampires for their collection.

PSYCHIC: These are Vampires who feed off psychic and aural energy. These Vampires came into being when Sanguine Vampires could no longer blend into society. So, I believe*, the Psychic Vampire was a natural evolution of the species so they could survive. And from there, the two lines of Vampires splintered off on their own evolutionary paths.

Their diet is completely psychic energy. They can no longer draw energy from blood. They tend to like solitude along with a fuel source around them. While popular as companions for their Revenge Magick abilities, they are not as popular as their Sanguine counterparts.

*This is my belief. This splintering of the Vampire species is in no way proven. This is an opinion formed from decades of working with Vampires of all types.

NUMBER 3: What Can You Expect After Bringing A Vampire Into Your Collection?

Vampires, as aforementioned, can have tempers. They are not the calm, cool, and collected beings you read about in the young-adult Twilight novels. Although, even there, the author could not work around their tempers for too long.

They can get angry. But, the thing you have to realize is Vampires are completely loyal. Once you make the pact with them to bring them into your home and care, they will not harm you. They will take their anger out in other ways, like attacking people unknown to you and withdrawing.

Aside from that, Vampires are wonderful companions. Their drives are more similar to humans than other entities, like Djinn. They enjoy attention, they do not like to be ignored, and they are interactive in the physical with you. Males also tend to be more interactive than females.

NUMBER 2: Will Vampires Drain You of All Your Blood or Psychic Energy?

The short answer: absolutely not.

Vampires, while predatory in some cases, are loyal companions. If you allow them to feed from you, they will take the utmost care. Most people will not notice any difference in their energy levels or feelings.

Now, when you call upon them for Revenge Magick, that is a different story. If you petition them to attack someone who has wronged you, they will drain them. And, based on how damaged you were by them, they can cause serious illness (and beyond).

You will be completely safe, however. There is ZERO need for you to worry about your Vampire harming you if or when you allow them to feed from you. I have been working with Vampires for decades upon decades and I have never once seen one turn on their Spirit Keeper. Nor have I seen them turn on loved ones.

NUMBER 1: Can You Have More Than One?

Of course! Like I mentioned in Number 5, Vampires tend to group up naturally, especially Sanguine Vampires. Even Psychic Vampires have social tendencies.

I always recommend people start out with 2 to 3 and see how that goes. If you don’t like it, you are always free to banish them from you. If you do like it, I always recommend expanding your collection to a full clan. You will always have one Vampire at the top of the hierarchy and you will then be doing most of your conversing with the dominant Vampire.

Also, having multiple will give you more opportunities to experience the effects of being around them. Your energy will raise and your need for sleep will lower. The more the better, if that is something you are looking for.

With this post, I tried to address most oft he questions I get about Vampires on a daily basis. I hope I could clear some things up!

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a Vampire companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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