A Quick & Easy Relaxation Ritual

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Everyone needs more sleep. EVERYONE. Why not try a Magick ritual to get you off to bed each night?

Sleep is a direct indicator for our spirituality. We need it. Sleep functions as a reset for our body each night. It also functions as a place where our subconscious can be receptive to Magick and spirits and everything a Magick Practitioner needs. So, get more sleep. Hopefully, this ritual can help. And with repetition, I know it will.

And as an aside, if you have a diagnosed physical condition, please go to the doctor. Magick is helpful, but sometimes you need a medical intervention.

STEP 1: Intention

Every ritual begins with an intention. And your intention here should revolve around sleep.

How many hours do you need? If you are over the age of 18, you should know how much sleep you need for optimal function. It varies for everyone. And we know when we do not get enough quality sleep. We can feel it. And prolonged lack of quality sleep can have many, MANY health complications.

Set an intention based on what you need. Say “I want to get X hours of sleep of X quality,” with X representing your individual values. You can write it down if needed to work in a little Petition Magick with your ritual.

Now that you have your intention, we are ready to move onto step 2.

STEP 2: Find Your Space

You want to perform this ritual in a space that is relaxing. And the most relaxing space in your home should be your bed.

You may want to spritz some scent around your space to take care of your senses. I personally use rose water I make at home in a small spray bottle. Don’t spray too much and soak your bed. Just one spritz should do the trick.

Sit down on the edge of your bed and feel the mattress conform to you. Feel its softness. Feel your hardness. Allow the mattress’ softness flow into you. Take it in. Feel the softness of your bed come through your muscles. Starting at the feet and working up until it is in your face. We clench our face muscles often without realizing it. Relax your jaw. Relax your brow. Let everything get loose.

This may seem trivial, but it is not. You want to cause a relaxing sensation in your body.

Here, you may want to take a few breaths. You may even get into a meditative state. Calming your mind is part of this ritual, so if you have trouble meditating do not worry. We will take care of that.

It is also important to turn off any artificial light you have on in the room. The blue light from televisions and phones interrupt our sleep patterns.

STEP 3: Addressing Dreams

Everyone dreams every single night we sleep, unless you have brain damage in certain parts of your brain called the medio-basal forebrain, medial temporal lobe, inferior parietal cortex or occipito-temporal cortex. Or, if you have Charcot-Wilbrand syndrome.

You likely do not have any of these problems. And if you cannot remember your dreams, that is a separate issue that I will address in a different Blog Post.

Dreams are not always pleasant. Sometimes, we avoid sleep to avoid dreaming. I have definitely done that before… Dreams are our subconscious coming out of the background to show us our problems. Dreams present themselves in metaphors or analogous narratives to our own lives. No one knows how exactly we dream. We just know that we do.

So, if you are going to dream, how do you address it?

Every night, you are going on an adventure. What do you do before an adventure? You prepare.

Steel your mind against the nightmares that may come. Those nightmares, if you have them, are occurring for a reason. You are afraid of something. Something in your life is causing the chaotic energy that spreads over into your dreams.

Go into your sleep ritual with the idea that you will dream. And because of that, you are prepared to receive the insight into your life that your spirit is trying to share. Even if it is scary, an important message is attempting to be relayed from your unconscious to your conscious mind. If you ignore that message, you will pay for it.

STEP 4: Chant or Prayer or Whatever You’d Like to Call It

If you grew up in the Bible Belt like me, you probably know the bedtime prayer by heart. My parents drilled this into me from the time I could speak. And I was not alone. Every friend I had growing up tells me the same story.

What my parents did not know is that they were teaching me Magick. My mom played around with Magick in the kitchen, but she was generally subservient to my father who grew up with Protestantism. These bedtime prayers serve as the foundation for this sleep ritual. But, with a little twist.

There are many Wiccan chants that some Witches choose to say before sleeping. Like this one:

Goddess above,
queen of the night,
help me sleep
in your healing light.
Restful sleep come to me,
relax my body
and let my mind be free.
Grant me calm and peace tonight
and let me wake in
the Gods’ golden light.

But yours can be whatever you desire it to me. You can even repeat those bedtime prayers if your parents taught you. The only important thing is you make a habit out of it. This will get your mind, body, and spirit into the habit of getting sleepy once these words are said. Or, chanted 😉

You may want to repeat your chant or prayer, as well. This can help turn your running mind off. If you do not repeat it the first time, try it the next time and see if it helps. Personally, I repeat it until I fall asleep at night. But that’s just me.

STEP 5: Gratitude

Just like intentions, every ritual should end with a gratitude.

This one is different, though. You cannot be grateful when you are off dreaming about slaying dragons can you? Your gratitude will come in the morning when the “Gods’ golden light” graces your form.

Like I say in all my ritual guides, you are free to write this down, say it aloud, or say it in your mind. As long as you are grateful for the relaxing energy given to you by the universe or deity or wherever you believe it comes from, you are doing gratitude correctly.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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