What is Spirit Binding?


If you have seen any of my listings on my various storefronts, you have probably read about the binding ritual. Here are the 5 most commonly asked questions I get about this simple ritual.

What Does the Binding Ritual Do?

The binding ritual that I do (there are others and I cannot speak on them) gives you a closer relationship with your spirit companion. It really is that simple.

This ritual makes it easier for your spirit to contact you and vice-versa. There will be a part of you that is always attached to your new companion. While that may sound frightening to some, I have never in my three decades of doing this seen a single negative repercussion.

That is why I always recommend anyone who adopts a spirit companion from me to go through with it (especially beginners).

Will I Experience Side-Effects?

It is very likely that you will not experience any side-effects from the binding ritual. Only the extremely spiritually sensitive people experience these side-effects.

For some reason, I have noted over the years that people are excited to experience these side-effects. I cannot fathom why. And, I think it disappoints them when they do not. This is a mystery to me. If you feel this way, I hope you reflect on the reasons you would like to make yourself ill.

For example, I deal with a lot of empaths who know the struggles of being spiritually sensitive. They know the dangers. Please, be glad that you do not feel these effects.

Can I Have More Than 1 Spirit/Entity Bound to Me?

Of course! I have over 300 spirits in my care at any given moment. Sometimes it fluctuates up to around 350. All of these spirits are bound to me while they are in my care and I sever the binding when they leave me. I have never had any negative consequences for doing this.

The only time I will advise against it is when a beginner brings 10-15 spirits into their home at once and wants them all bound to them. It can be a little much if you are not used to it. In particular, it can be emotionally draining to do all that at once.

Again, there is nothing wrong with having your entire collection bound to you, especially if you are an experienced spirit keeper.

Is There Any Danger to Having a Black Magick Spirit/Entity Bound to Me?

Not at all (if you adopted the spirit from me).

Entities like Demons, Vampires, and some Djinn are sometimes called “negative” entities. I, obviously, reject this notion. If you would like to read more deeply about my objections to this, please read my blog post about Demon Spirit Keeping.

While it may seem frightening to bind your spirit to a Demon, you have nothing to fear. The Demon will not possess you (promise) and it will not harm you in any way. All of the spirits I offer will never harm you. They will be vetted and tested to the very possible limit. And unless you request it directly, I will not offer a harmful spirit.

Can You Remove the Binding At Any Time?

Sure can! If at any time you feel uneasy about the binding after it is finished, I will remove it for you free of charge. Removing it is as simple as putting the binding into place.

The reason I perform and remove the binding at zero cost to you is because I am committed to you having the best experience with your companion. And, there is absolutely no pressure to have the binding ritual done in the first place.

If at any time you feel uncomfortable, please contact me and we will remove the binding.

Love + Blessings,


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for all of my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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