Where Should You Start in Witchcraft?

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We’re coming up on 2021 and everyone could use a change from the previous year. Where should you start your new practice? And if you have already started, should you change course?

New Beginnings

New years are a time for rebirth in all cultures, but it doesn’t mean you need to go through a painful, phoenix-like death and rebirth. You also do not need to wait for the calendar year to turnover to make change in your life.

Change is possible no matter when you choose to do it.

But, for the sake of this post, we will focus on beginning or altering a Magickal practice on the New Year. If, however, you do stumble upon this post after the new year, do not let that dissuade you. Numbers are arbitrary. You can begin your New Year anytime you want.

Where to Start

It would be lovely if you could begin by shooting fireballs out of your hands and ripping the earth up in an act of random geomancy, huh?

Sure, it would.

But you won’t. You simply can’t, first of all. And, you need patience and practice to get anywhere in Magick. Don’t get discouraged, though. One day you will wake up and feel the peace that an experienced practice can only give you.

So, where do you start then?

You start wherever your spirit points you. Want to try Tarot? Start there. Want to test out your medium skills? Get yourself a pendulum and work through my guide. Wanna try spirit keeping? Well, I think you know I can help you there.

And here’s the good thing about a practice: if you don’t like it, GREAT! You can try something else. Most aspects of a Magickal practice are relatively cheap, too. You can do lots of testing.

And, never forget that meditation is free.

Your Path is Your Path

You will find your path if you are diligent enough. Some discover it automatically and go on their merry Witch way. Others, like myself, take years to locate their actual starting point.

Odds are, you will not find it right away. You may be an over-thinker like me. You may be a perfectionist. You may be indecisive. Whatever the case, your path will always be waiting for you to take your first steps.

So don’t get too torn up about finding your way in your practice. Take it from me (someone who struggled for years and is still dealing with the physical consequences of going “too far”, your path will find you.

The beginning of your destiny is waiting for you to find it.

You may even be on your path right now and not even know it. That is the fun part. Your path may be trying everything and becoming an eclectic or Alexandrian Witch. Or, you may specialize and become obsessed with Divination.

Discovering your path is more than just doing things. It is the acceptance that your life is on a track to your own betterment. Whatever you are going through now, you will learn to appreciate in the future. All the stress is toughening you. The hurt will make you stronger. Every curse is a blessing in disguise, as they say.

Locating where your headed in life will not only make things better. It will revolutionize your life.

Make the Decision

You are starting your practice. Make that promise to yourself. If you break it, then you cannot trust yourself. If that happens, then who can you really trust?

When you make the decision to have a practice, or change your existing practice, you are making the decision to exist spiritually. That is not something a lot of people are used to doing.

So, make a deal with yourself. Talk to yourself. Make sure the you speaking and the spirit inside you understand each other.

You may ask, “If we do 10 minutes of meditation, what can I give you in return?” That return could be a nice cup of coffee. It could be a TV show. It could be buying that trinket you have had your eye on.

Using reward systems in your life will go a long way. Just ask Pavlov’s Dog.

And when you make the decision, go in slow. Do not overwhelm yourself. If you make the decision to do an hour of meditation in the morning, two hours of Tarot study after that, another hour of grounding… and so on, you will never do it. You might do all that once. Maybe twice. But it is unsustainable across time for someone just starting.

Go slow, negotiate with yourself, and never break that promise. And that goes for people adopting new things into their practice, as well.

You Are On Your Way

Big or small, your practice is waiting for you to begin. I make no judgements. If you want to be a weekend Witch or a dedicated, every-single-day professional, I have your back.

Something is better than nothing.

Having any kind of practice at all will give improvement to your life in every area. In today’s age, we have lost the spiritual part of ourselves. And if some haven’t lost it, it is greatly diminished. We focus on the ego, materialism, and the mind. But we never give time to the most ancient part of ourselves: the spiritual.

We are out of balance as a worldwide society. A part of us is being ignored in the most dire of ways. And we see how this leads to the most dire of problems.

If you are reading this, you are on your way. The world can be changed one spirit at a time. Will you make the decision? Will you find your path?

Will you create the most beautiful revolution in yourself so that it ripples out into the world that so greatly needs it?

For all of our sakes, I hope you will.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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