What Magick Means to Me

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This blog post is a little more personal than normal. It is something that has happened time and time again to me and I think the story should be told. You ready to hear it?

This is not a blog where I lay out what Magick is and what it is not. That is impossible. Magick is so many things to so many different people. I will not insult you and say “my version” of Magick is better than yours.

What this post is about is what Magick means to me and how it has created meaning in my life, where, previously, there was none. Zilch. Nada.

This is a story about a set of fortuitous events that did not seem so fortuitous at first.

The Client

It was mid-May in 2006. The gloomy Kentucky humidity hadn’t set in yet, nor had the armies of mosquitoes. I was feeling good. I had just taken on a few new personal clients in my new coaching effort and all was going well.

Then, I received an email from a new one.

“Blessings,” the email began, “My name is [Kevin] and I would like to learn how to do Magick. Me and my wife are trying for a baby and nothing is working. This is my last resort.” I substituted his real name because, you know, privacy. I was thrilled to add on another client. At the time, I was just happy that anyone took half an interest.

Kevin sent me my fees and we started working. All of them were a dream. Everything went smoothly, they listened, they went through with ALL the rites of ceremonial Magick, and they paid attention when I corrected them.

All of them, except Kevin.

This guy would not listen, he was not patient, and he did not have the slightest interest in being active in his Magick. I’m telling you, he would do a ritual and be upset with me when whatever the ritual was for did not happen instantly. When a baby didn’t shoot out of his wife like a bullet as soon as the ritual was over, he would breakdown.

He would curse at me, threaten me, and eventually he quit contacting me.

In the meantime…

All the other clients did so well! I was so proud of them. Over the year, one of them became a chef (who eventually went on to star in her own TV show), one of them found a life partner which was what she contacted me for, and another was able to increase his salary by four times—the guy went from making minimum wage to a six-figure-plus income in barely over a year.

All this was because of Magick.

Still, though, I felt I had failed Kevin. Maybe I wasn’t patient enough with him. Maybe I didn’t show him as much positivity as he needed. Maybe it was me, not him.

Another year went by and another batch of coaching clients. All went well, save for a few hiccups that were easily corrected. One from this batch went to work as a speech writer for a prominent politician.

After all this, I became so booked that I had to change my policy to recommendation only. Everything went a little too well, actually. Now, I have had to cut down on my yearly clients due to me not being able to keep up with all of them and still have the spirit keeping hobby that I love so much.

There was still Kevin, though. He still hadn’t contacted me. And I hadn’t reached out to him, either. Halfway through 2009, I decided I had to reach out. I decided I had to do it, if not for him, for me.

Magick Happens Even When You Do Not Notice It

If a spell is cast in the woods and no one is around to see it, is it real? Did it actually happen?

At the time, I did not know the answer to that question. Now, I do.

It took two long days for Kevin to message me back, but, finally, I saw his email address pop up in my inbox. I was prepared for a dagger—a poisoned blade with my heart as its destiny. With a deep, hesitant breath, I clicked the email.

What I saw was not a dagger, but the best example of a virtual hug I have ever seen. What follows is an exact copy and paste from the email. In fact, I have this printed out and framed over the very desk I am now writing this blog post at.

“Dear Laci,” the email started. “I have wanted to contact you for so long. I was at end of my rope back then (sic). I have written out an email twenty times to apologize. I never had courage to send it (sic). We had a little girl. My wife got pregnant a month after we cut off contact.

“She’s almost 2 now. She is our world. And, there’s one more thing. I didn’t want it at first, but my wife made me. She has two middle names.

“One of them is Laci.”

The email went on with a few more profuse apologies. I wrote back and we went back and forth for a few days. He told me he was still practicing. He told me his wife was now practicing with him. And, just so you know, these people are from the Middle-East, where Witchcraft is not as accepted as it is in the states.

It was beautiful. I must have cried for a week.

That is What Magick Means to Me

Magick, to me, is the most profound force. It will bring enemies together. It will bring shame out of the proud. And it can make a baby born in the turmoil of war have the middle-name of an American who didn’t know the baby existed.

Magick means a lot of things to a lot of people. To me, this is what it means. This story.

They say “Beauty exists in the eye of the beholder.” For me, Magick doesn’t. It exists without an eye on it or not.

And Magick is beautiful.

Love + Blessings,



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