What Does It Mean to Be Drawn to a Spirit?

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I have to say: “I envy you.” You are feeling the pull toward a specific spirit. It is one of the most wonderful things a spirit keeper can feel. Here, I will explain what is happening by answering common questions about the process.

Question 1: Should I Be Scared?

Honestly, it hurts that this question gets asked so much. Although, I do understand it can be frightening for beginners.

To answer it plainly: No, not at all. I know the feelings of dizziness and (maybe) slight nausea may be a lot at first, but this is simply the way these spirits contact us. They cannot grab you by the hand straight away. When you first come to know their existence, they will affect you in odd ways.

Even if it is a demonic spirit, or something you deem negative, being drawn by a spirit is never dangerous.

Question 2: Why Do I Feel This Way?

You feel this way because a spirit is manipulating your energy to get you to notice them. Most of the time, unless a spirit is vastly more powerful than what you are used to, you will simply experience a bit of blurred vision or intrusive thoughts about the spirit.

When a spirit is stronger, however, I have had people report to me that they feel very ill. I have gotten reports of vomiting, nose bleeds, and even lack of consciousness. When a reaction this strong happens, the spirit really wants you to notice them.

Most spirits remain on the physical plane to help others. When they want to help you, they will reach out with the only power they can: energy. That is why you experience the symptoms described above.

Question 3: Does It Go Away?

Short answer: Probably not.

Sometimes, spirits go to the wrong keeper. It is just the way the process works. And, the person the spirit was meant to be with was never united with their true keeper. When this happens, the true keeper can experience the “drawing-feeling” for the rest of their lives.

This is truly unfortunate. There are still spirits that call to me to this day from decades ago. If you have been spirit keeping for any amount of time, you know exactly what I mean.

For those that do get united with their needed spirit, the feeling will dissipate. This is because the spirit no longer needs to manipulate your energy to get you to notice them.

Question 4: What If I Don’t Feel a Draw?

The fact that you are asking this question makes me suspicious. If you are not feeling a draw to the spirit, what force caused you to take interest in the first place?

While this can be the case sometimes, for a spirit to not draw you in and you do choose to adopt it is very rare.

I think people expect to be overwhelmed with a rush of emotion and vomit until they have relocated their stomach. This is not the case. The feelings are mainly a light dizzy sensation and intrusive thoughts.

Don’t wish for bad things to happen to yourself. The above symptoms should be enough to show you a spirit is reaching out to you.

Question 5: What If I Feel Drawn to Multiple Spirits?

This is more common than you would think. Above, I mentioned that spirits stay behind to help those who need it. When you need help—and I mean need help, multiple spirits may reach out to you.

While the symptoms may be stronger, it all means the same thing: they intend to help. And, to be clear, you do not need to adopt them all. Most of the time, adopting one can quell some of the call from the others. But, you will still always have that “missing” feeling.

Spirits will imprint on you. That is proven. And it is proven again to me every single day. But, keeping too many spirits can be overwhelming to some. If you can’t adopt all the spirits who are drawing you, choose the one that gives you the strongest feeling.

I hope that helps!

Love + Blessings,


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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