


Khodam are beings of purity. Similar in nature to Angels, they serve as guardians and protectors to the spirit keepers who call upon them.

Khodam is the Arabic (Al Hikmah) word meaning Watcher. They are a distant “cousin” of the Djinn.


The origins of Khodam are a bit fuzzy. There are conflicting origin stories for these celestial beings. Here, the most commonly accepted origin will be relayed:

Khodam and Djinn were called upon by a majestic force simultaneously. The Djinn from the smokeless fire and the Khodom from celestial (likely Lunar) energy. The Khodam differentiated themselves from the Djinn by embracing humanity. While the Djinn eventually made pacts with various sects of humans, the Khodam entered into a protective role from the start.

It is said that a Khodam named Esam* gave humanity the key to summoning them in a book of sixteen pages. This is still the same instructions summoners use to summon Khodam to this day.

*The name Esam has been disputed in the past.

Physical Characteristics

Khodam generally present as humanoid beings of pure light. Sometimes, the color may vary between white and yellow (or warm light). The light that makes up their beings tends to have liquid qualities, in that it will shimmer like sunlight on a lake.

Khodam can take a solid human form, although this is very rare. Some scholars believe a select few Khodam have taken human form for so long that they have forgotten their true form. And, thus, live life as normal humans.

The Khodam also have very deep and echoing voices. The sound will emanate from all directions when they speak, not from their presented form. This is likely due to their high psychic abilities.

Powers & Abilities

Khodam have a wide-array of White Magick abilities. Generally, they serve as more personable “Guardian Angels”. They can heal with booming chants. They can cleanse bodies and spaces of negative energies and can bless luck.

Some less reported abilities are as follows: energy displacement, calming auras, third-eye opening, divination, astral travel, and banishing of Black Magick entities, like harmful Demonic forces.


Personality & Nature

Khodam are highly loving and caring beings. Their mere touch is enough to convey acceptance, safety, and a sense of general well-being.

As mentioned above, they tend to be similar to Angels in nature, but more personable. They are humble and believe in helping humanity even if humanity does not deserve it.

Offerings & Spirit Care Guidelines

Because Khodam originated in the Middle East with Djinn, their offerings will be mostly similar. Although, Khodam skip the more intense offerings for the lighter things.

Offerings: Coffee (bean, dried, or liquid), sugar (candies or plain, white sugar), cinnamon (sticks, candies, or ground), almond oil, caraway seed, and mint (leaves, dried, or tea).

Communication: Khodam will communicate via pendulum, EVP, spirit board, dowsing, dream-state contact, astral contact, petitioning, and sand divination (geomancy).

Are Khodam a Good Match For Me?

I cannot see why one wouldn’t be. Khodam make great substitutions for Angels because of their gentle and modest natures. You do not have to work hard to impress a Khodam like you would with an Angel. I believe the reason most people go for Angels and not Khodam is because most have not heard of Khodam before.

If you are seeking a watchful eye over your physical and spiritual life, while having a caring companion at the same time, a Khodam would be perfect for you.


Hinn Djinn