5 Common Spirit Keeping Myths

Maybe you are new to spirit keeping or you are an old pro. Either way, you may still be living under some false conceptions about spirit keeping. Here are 5 of the most common ones.

Maybe you are new to spirit keeping or you are an old pro. Either way, you may still be living under some false conceptions about spirit keeping. Here are 5 of the most common ones.

Myth 5: It Takes CONSTANT Attention

While spirit care can be intensive, it is not something that should take up every bit of your time. The only exception to this is if you have a very large collection and you have to go from one spirit/entity after another to make sure each of them get their needed care.

The truth is, most people have three spirits. This is an average number based on all the people I have spoken and worked with over my 30+ years of experience. If you fall somewhere around the average number, you can relax a bit. You do not have to constantly worry about them. They will live their own lives and thrive outside of you as well as with you. If they need space, give them space. If they need attention, give them that.

Don’t fall into the trap of being overly involved with your spirits/entities. Most of the time, they do not like this.

Myth 4: Your Spirits Will Stay With You No Matter What

Not true at all.

While the first entry on this list may seem counterintuitive to the point I am about to make, it isn’t. Spirits/Entities do not like to be ignored or mistreated for very long. While you should not suffocate them, you can also ignore them too much. If you do this, they will not have enough strength to stay attached to their vessel (whether it is a physical vessel, like a ring or doll, or if you are their vessel via direct binding).

Spirits will leave. Some are more prone to it than others, based upon their personalities. Entities like Angels, for example, like a little more reverence than others. If they do not get that, they will withdraw from you and eventually leave you altogether.

Myth 3: If You’re Not Careful, You Will Get Possessed

Possession is something that is widely feared, yet rarely happens. In fact, I even wrote an entire blog post about the misconceptions around possession because it bothers me so much. Trust me, do not fear possession. It is not going to happen to you.

Possession is such a high energy task that most spirits are not capable of it. In fact, only high entities like Demon Kings and the like are even capable of it. Sometimes, keepers build such a strong bond with their spirits that they think they are being possessed, but in reality it is simply a feeling of closeness.

Another point: be very cautious of the people who tell you spirits are dangerous. Most spirits and entities are just like us with their own personalities and wants and needs. 99% of the time, they mean no harm and just seek interaction and attention. If someone tells you otherwise, they are fear mongering and/or trying to get you into an excited state to buy something.

Myth 2: My Spirit is Quiet, So It Hates Me

Another common misconception.

Sometimes, spirits are quiet. This is exactly the same with us. I know, from time to time, I get into moods where I do not like to interact with others. It is a part of my nature and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Odds are, you have experienced some of this in your life. The same goes for spirits.

Occasionally, you won’t hear from your spirit for a bit. That’s okay. I get messages everyday from people who tell me something like this: “My spirit was so active and then all of a sudden, it got quiet.”

I love getting those messages because then I get to share a little wisdom. Who doesn’t like giving advice? The truth is, sometimes spirits/entities need their space. It is unfortunate because you want them to be active for you, but sometimes they need it. Give it to them when requested. Then you’ll see they come back charged and ready for more.

Myth 1: Instant Activity

I’m not saying it does not happen, but it is not as common as people may like.

Look, I was the same way with my first few spirits back in the day. I got them and wanted them to light up my house with orbs like it was an invisible Christmas tree. And some did those things immediately, but most of them need to take time to gather energy and get to know you.

Take poltergeists for example. These kinds of spirits feed off negative energy within a household. This energy builds up for years than then—BAM! Plates start flying off tables and cabinet doors start slamming. I’ve seen it happen. But, it only happens after months of build up. During those months, the poltergeist is feeding from the energy in the home.

Your spirit is the same way. It needs interaction with you to get up to strength. Plus, most spirits like to get to know you and their new home before opening up. Anyone who tells you different is being dishonest. It shouldn’t take months like with the poltergeist example because you will be giving directed energy, but it likely will not happen instantly.

Love + Blessings


If you would like to try working with spirits, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

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