5 Questions EVERY Witch Should Ask Themselves

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Hopefully, you can find some answers. Or, at least, a direction.

You may be here from the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group, so you may notice some of these questions sound similar to the ones I ask there. This is not on accident. Every single day I try to think of questions to ask so that people will think deeply about their practice.

The group may seem blasé, but each and every question I add is a methodical avenue that I hope to steer everyone on. And now you’re thinking, “Well, Laci has told us what she’s doing. She haas broken the illusion.”

Maybe. But what about this: Even if you know what I’m doing, does it make it any less beneficial?

Consider each question in its singularity. Try to answer it. Maybe write your answers down. If nothing else, this should make you think about your practice in a deeper way.

QUESTION 1: Do Your Actions Align With Your Practice?

Do they? Are you acting in the same way you are thinking? Are you acting out your Magick?

I’ve said this a million times, but Magick is making our subconscious processes conscious. Part of that is the Witch actually going through with what her spell or ritual seeks to achieve. Sure, you can cast a love spell, but are you actively trying to get another person to fall in love with you?

You must act to give Magick a chance to flow. And this is if you cast a spell or I do it for you.

This is question number 1 for a reason: It is the single most important part to any practice. You MUST act according to your will. If not, well, you’re a Witch without a broom.

QUESTION 2: Are You Seeking Balance In Your Practice? Or Are You Practicing For a Specific Need?

Most people fall into one of the two camps.

In my experience, new Witches seem to begin Magick or Witchcraft with the idea of accomplishing a singular goal. And that’s great! Whatever brings someone to Witchcraft is fine in my book (of shadows 😉).

And it is completely fine to continue down a one-directional path. I have zero problems with it—in fact, I encourage it!

At the same time, I find that people who have been practicing for a while tend to develop a more balanced practice. Also great! Whatever kind of practice you want, you should have.

Just make sure you stay on the path unless you truly want to change it. If you want to become skilled in Astral Travel, for instance, don’t try to also become equally skilled in Energy Healing. Our minds work on a single track. We do better when we focus on one thing.

So, if you want a singular practice or an encompassing practice, make sure you know the answer to this question before proceeding. If not you are a Witch on a broom without the knowledge of how to fly it.

QUESTION 3: Where Do You See Your Practice Taking You?

This is similar to the previous question in all ways except one: where will you be in your practice in a few years?

Whether you are seeking balance or you are seeking to empower yourself in one area, you need to have an idea of where you are going.

Look at it this way: When you build a house, you should have an idea of when the house is finished. So, when will your practice be where you want it to be so that you can turn your focus to something else? How good do you have to be at Astral Travel so you rightly change course to Energy Healing?

Know the answer to this question. It is integral to building an organized practice. Without knowing to answer, you are a Witch on a broom without a single idea of where to land.

And I promise I’m going somewhere with these Witch & Broom metaphors. Promise!

QUESTION 4: Why Did You Come to Witchcraft In the First Place?

So, why did you?

What made Witchcraft attractive to you? What made working with the paranormal sound good? Because it all sounds easy? If ‘easy’ is your answer, then you’re in the wrong place.

Simon Sinek, author and motivational speaker, perfromed a TED Talk around a decade ago that I believe is still the most viewed TED Talk of all time. It is called ‘Start With Why.’ I encourage everyone to watch it because it explains FULLY why we need an answer to this question.

If you can figure out why you came to Witchcraft, almost everything else will fall into place.

If you don’t know why, then you are like a Witch who flew into the air on her broom but forgot why she was up there in the first place.

QUESTION 5: Can You Enjoy the Practice?

This question may seem arbitrary, but I mean it. Can you enjoy the practice that you are about to undertake?

Most people will reflexively say: “Why, yes, Laci. Of course, I can.” But I want you to think about it. Think hard. Do you enjoy meditation? Do you want to spend hours with crystals? Can you find happiness inside the lines of a sigil? Really? Can you? Are you sure?

I’m serious. If you can find joy in the simple parts of Witchcraft, then you are on a path to success. No matter how you define success, enjoying the journey is an important part to any practice. And if there are parts of a practice, like meditation, find substitutes. Not everyone likes to meditate. So find a meditative action you can do, like gardening, exercise, or writing blog posts.

(Here’s a secret, I don’t love meditation, although I still do it everyday)

If you don’t enjoy the practice, you’re like a broom without a Witch.


Now that you have answered, or thought about, all the questions, you can be a Witch like this:

When you can align your actions with your thoughts and can enjoy the actions of a practice, then you are a Witch with a broom. You are ready to take off into the sky on your journey of Witchcraft. You have an idea of what you want to practice, so you kick off. Now, you are in the sky and on the horizon you see where you want your journey to take you. And the whole way, you know why you are up there in the first place.

With action, enjoyment, knowing what your practice is, knowing where you’re going, and why you are here, you can be a more complete Witch.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

And, if you enjoyed this post, see my other posts. And, I have a newsletter where I go more into Magickal practice and empowerment. I also give weekly discounts for my stores to subscribers. You can subscribe by placing your email address into the box below.


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