Beginner’s Guide: 5 Things You Need to Know About Djinn

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Making sure your Djinn are active and cared for can be difficult for beginners. Here’s a nifty guide that will help you understand them better.

NUMBER 1: What Are Djinn?

To properly care for Djinn, you need to know what they are. There is a lot of misinformation on the web and in books about them. I have worked with Djinn for over three decades. I will give you a quick rundown on them to clear up any misconceptions.

Djinn are beings of smoke and fire. Mostly, their tales come from Middle-eastern religion and myth. The truth is, the middle-easterners were the first to name them. Of course, they had many names before, but none were ever accepted on a wide scale before Djinn was applied to them.

Djinn were worshipped by many pre-Arabic peoples for their power. And, still are to this day. The reason Djinn worship died out was the prevalence of the Abrahamic religions and their insistence on a single deity. Spirit Care for Djinn is a type of worship, so you are or are about to be a member of that crowd.

I’m not going to pretend that I, or anyone else, knows where Djinn come from. They do not even know. They just know that they have been here long before humans and remember those times well. Before humans began taking energy from the spectrum, they were able to exist on our plane. Now, they are limited to flashes and short manifestations. But, their power and abilities can still be felt HEAVILY in our realm.

NUMBER 2: There Are MANY Types of Djinn

There are different types of Djinn. So many that I will not be mentioning all of them in this Blog post. I will quickly go over the four most well-known types of Djinn.

IFRIT: Easiest to bind to vessels. Corresponds to the fire element. By far the most common. They also are some of the most rebellious Djinn. They enjoy candlework, cinnamon offerings, and they like attention. This is the kind of Djinn I recommend everyone to start with. They can be moody, but are very interactive.

MARID: Corresponds to the water element. They sit in the middle of the rarity scale. Quite independent, intelligent, and friendly. They enjoy being around water (even glasses of water), they like rain, and for offerings they like mint (either in leaves or candies).

SHAITAN: Also corresponds to the fire element. Many believe they are evil, but all are not. They are dominant entities. Candlework does well with them. And they enjoy black licorice and red wine as offerings. Often misinterpreted as demonic entities.

JANN: Corresponds to the wind element. These are the most compliant Djinn. They have formless bodies. They get along well with people who have dealt with combat before, like former military members and victims of domestic abuse. For offerings, they like flowery oils, like bergamot and jasmine.

You can see that each requires a specific care plan, but none are too complicated.

NUMBER 3: Dealing With Their Personalities

If you have ever dealt with a Djinn, you know that their personalities are… weird. They don’t seem to respond to us like other entities. And if you remember my blog post titled ‘5 Things NOT To Do With Your Spirit Companions,’ then you know you should never treat entities like these as if they are human.

They do not share our human drives. They want different things. That can feel mysterious and confusing at first. They may get jealous over small things. They may be indifferent to horrible circumstance. This is just how they are. And to be a proper spirit collector and caretaker, you must accept that.

I wish I had a profound solution for dealing with their eccentricities, but I don’t. You just have to be patient with them. And when you are, you will see they will give you companionship and things that you never imagined.

NUMBER 4: How Do You Prepare Your Space For Your Djinn?

I get this question a lot, which is why I added it to this list.

You can go all out. You can have Arabic iconography, candles burning on every table, and chalk down ken runes right on your floor if you want. But that is a lot of wasted effort. Djinn are not high maintenance entities. All they need is energy and attention. Once you realize that, your Djinn care will be smooth sailing.

Each Djinn likes different offerings, like I mentioned above. And each Djinn has different personality traits. But none of them require any kind of ceremonial rituals to interact with. I’m not saying to not treat them as “special,” but do not go overboard. They do not like a suck-up.

The best thing possible you can do for your Djinn is to acknowledge them, use them in your rituals, and communicate with them. They like to be included. They are very social entities. Make sure you have that part down and you should have very little worries with them.

NUMBER 5: They Are Not Demons!

Nor are they evil. Some have different ambitions, but none of them are truly evil. And, just like I said in my Beginner’s Guide For Demon Care, they are 99.9999% likely to NOT possess you. It is true that VERY FEW Djinn are capable of possession, but you will likely never encounter a Djinn that powerful.

Djinn are often cast into the same group as Demons, too. Especially Shaitan. This is because the word “Shaitan” later became Satan. But, this is just the evolution of etymology. Demons and Djinn literally have NOTHING to do with one another. And sorry for so many ALL-CAPS words. I have to make sure I get my point across with this one.

Djinn are their own unique entities and do not like it when they are treated as demons. Or, anything else for that matter. It would be like if you were treated as a chimpanzee. I’m sure you would not like that, either.

In the end, I hope I could clear up some of the mystery surrounding Djinn. They are not as complicated as people like to think. Or, as some people like to make you think. With patience, Djinn care is easy. And you should not fear them. They have been assisting humans for centuries upon centuries. And they are not going to stop now.

Love + Blessings


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