Succubus: Beginner’s Guide

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Many myths exist about the legendary Succubus. Allow me to shed the light of truth on these sexual beings.

In this blog post, I will answer the five most common questions I get about the Succubus. I may even have to do an additional post because I get so many questions about these majestic entities.

Also: Most of these questions apply to the Incubus as well. And, I will be doing a post for them next.

Question 1: Are Succubi Dangerous?

Short answer: no.

Unfortunately, the reputation of the Succubus has been tainted by its confusion and incorrect coalescence with the “Old Hag” myth. While the Succubus will make her first visit in dreams, she will not harm you. The Old Hag, or Banshee in some cultures, will make it so you are physically and/or emotionally harmed.

Succubi are purveyors of sexual activity. There is not much more to their interactivity than that. They will never harm you. They will feed from your sexual energy. That is it.

Question 2: Are Succubi Jealous?

For the most part, no. While some aberrant personalities do manifest at times, Succubi on the whole are not jealous. And I’ll tell you why:

We have already established that the Succubus feeds off sexual energy. What sense would it make for them to be jealous of other sexual partners? They will feed off that energy just like they will feed off the energy created between the two of you.

Also, Succubi are polysexual. They have no sexual preference and will engage with anyone.

Odds are you will never encounter a Succubus that displays jealous personality traits.

Question 3: How Do Succubi Interact With Me?

Why, sexually, of course!

Succubi begin their interactivity in the dream state. It is impossible for a Succubus to appear before you in the flesh automatically. A lot of my work these days is dispelling myths and lies from people on the internet. This is one of them. No supernatural or paranormal entity will appear before you unless you bond with them. Full stop.

The way that Succubi enter your consciousness in the dream state is through the opening of your mind during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep. During this stage of sleep, your consciousness is more open than usual. It is also when you dream. Your Succubus will make her first visit here.

Afterwards, once you bond with them, she will appear before you. I know it sounds fantastical, but just look at the reviews on my Succubus summonings. It happens. And it happens often.

Question 2: What Do Succubi Look Like?

While Succubi do have favored forms, they will often take the look of the type of woman that you are most attracted toward.

For example, a Succubus’ main form looks very close to that of a human. Although, her sexual attributes will be “enhanced.” What I mean by that is you will be drawn her like you have never been drawn to a human woman. But, if they know you like busty women instead of perky women, she will change herself to fit your needs.

To make it simple, Succubi appear as the human form. The only difference you will notice is that you will be extremely drawn to them when you witness them.

Question 1: Can I Get a Succubus Pregnant?

While some of you reading this may find it funny, I get this question as much as I get question number 3.

The short answer is yes. But, understand it is extremely rare. I must do about 3 to 5 Succubus summonings a day for people and in the last 4-5 years only one person has told me they have produced an offspring (known as a Cambion).

You really should not worry about this. It is so rare that it would be equivalent to having anxiety about being struck by lightning while Bigfoot pulls you out of a great white shark’s jaws. It is so exceedingly rare that you can assume it will not happen to you.

I hope this post helped clear the air around Succubi for you. Again, I will probably have to do an additional post just to make sure I cover all the bases of Succubi and their interactions and spirit care.

Love + Blessings


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