Beginner’s Guide: Drawing Down the Moon (6).gif

Drawing down the moon is one of the first things every Witch should know. You ready?

The drawing of the moon is an interaction anyone can have with the Lunar (Triple*) Goddess. It’s simple. Easy. And you should have no problem completing it in isolation.

A lot of people like to say it is for advanced Witches. It was the first ritual I ever performed. Ever. I think a beginner can do this just fine. I trust you. So, trust the Magick.

Why would you want to do this in the first place? Well, firstly it is a great way to get your bearings when it comes to ritual Magick. It is a simple ritual. Get this down and you can get most any ritual down.

Secondly, you get to commune with the Lunar Goddess. She will speak through you. Some consider this a form of “possession.” That is, frankly, untrue. The Lunar Goddess will provide clarity to your thoughts and imbue you with her energy.

*Some call her the Triple Goddess, but I have always preferred Lunar.

Step 1: Finding Your Space & Preparation

The drawing of the moon is best done outside during a full moon, especially for beginners. However, if you cannot get to an outside space where you can find peace, you can do this from a window.

I know a lot of people live in cities and the moon may be difficult to see. For that, I have no solution. You need to be able to take in the light from the moon to do this properly.

Now that you have found your space, you may want to prepare. It is good to have a few cleansing crystals around (selenite, quartz, etc.). If you are doing this indoors, you may want to smudge your space to be more inviting to the Lunar Goddess.

Also, you should set an intention during this step. Just think about what you would like this ritual to result in.

Step 2: Have an Invocation. Or don’t.

Some, not including me, like to have an invocation to call down the Lunar Goddess. You can have one, or not. This decision is up to you. Some people like to go through the ceremony of saying the “exact right words” when they perform rituals.

In my view, I think intention is enough. When you set an intention at the beginning of this ritual, you should know what you are seeking. Asking for things is immaterial. You know what you want and the Lunar Goddess will know as soon as she is with you.

If you do need an invocation, you can say something like: “I invoke thee, Lunar Goddess, to give clarity. To take thy body and make it your own. You are welcome in thy Servant.”

That sounds fancy, which is why I don’t like invocations unless necessary. But, if you need it, use it.

Step 3: Surrender

You must be wholeheartedly willing for the Lunar Goddess to take you. Without surrender, the ritual will not work. This is where the Magick comes in.

In the buildup to performing this ritual, you may want to take a week of heavy meditation if you have problems with surrendering to higher powers. This will help clear your head of any notions that you, yourself, are higher than the powers of nature. And if you feel that way, you have a lot of work to do.

Surrendering is the hardest step. It may take a few tries to get there. The good news is: this ritual, if failed, is completely harmless. I would only try once a night, however. Repeated failure will lead to discouragement.

Step 4: Experience Her

At this point, if you surrendered correctly, you should be feeling the Lunar Goddess’ energy. It will feel cold, as the light of the moon is colder than shadow. Sure, physics can prove this, but I think there is a more Magickal reason behind it. But that’s a whole other blog post.

Speaking for myself, I normally feel a chill come over over. It is ever so slight. Kind of like the feeling of being watched without the paranoia. When you feel her energy, you will know it is motherly. And caring. She wants to purify you and provide clarity.

Experience her. Feel her cold warmness. And you may even begin to speak involuntarily. This is rare, but it happens. If this happens, let your lips move. Do not fight her. She is telling you something you need to know.

Step 5: Gratitude

The energy will wear off. The time duration of having her within you varies from person to person. For beginners, it probably won’t last for more than 10 minutes. Once you get the ritual down, it can last over an hour.

Make sure to give your thanks to the Goddess for her assistance. You should feel calmer about your life’s stresses. You should feel there is an answer to your questions, even if you cannot verbalize it.

Say thank you. You can be fancy or as un-fancy as you like. The point of gratitude is actually feeling grateful. She will know if you are. And if she sees your words to be true, she will visit you again.

And again.

Additional Notes:

  • You do not have to have stressful thoughts to do this ritual. You can perform it for the fun of it.

  • This is best done on the full moon, but I often practice it on the new moon just to challenge myself.

  • You can do this alone or with other Witches or friends. The Lunar Goddess can encompass all.

Love + Blessings


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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