Lucky Letter Ritual

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Spreading good energy will give you a double return. Here is a simple way to project positivity to someone who needs it as well as boosting it in yourself.

This is a very simple ritual that does not require many steps. Simple does not mean ineffective. I am a Witch on the internet and I get a lot of random hate, so I know the value of random love.

This ritual will give the gift of random love to someone. According to behavioral psychology (and, yes, it is okay to incorporate science into your Magick), random acts are more likely to make an impact on someone’s life than scheduled or recurrent ones.

Performing rituals like this will also return positive energy to you. With twice the power.

There really is no reason not to do this ritual at least once. It is very simple and easy to accomplish. If you care about your fellow humans, things like this can go a long way.


  • Paper

  • Writing utensil (preferably pen)

  • A place to put your letter (you’ll see what I mean in Step 3)

STEP 1: Set Your Intention

Your intention is always important, even in simple rituals like this. The energy you imbue your letter with will matter even more than the message you write.

So, either write out your intention or repeat it to yourself a few times. Make it solid, positive, and truthful. Really put some personal meaning into what you are about to do.

STEP 2: Writing Your Letter

Now is the time to write your letter. You can make it as long or as short as you need. If you plan to do multiple, do not overextend yourself. Your energy can only be spread so far.

Your letter will not be addressed to a specific person, nor will your name be attached. This is a random, loving letter. Unless you stalk your drop point, you will not know who gets it. And, the person who receives it may not take it. They may read it and leave it for the next person.

So, what should you write?

Anything that comes to you! Whatever positive words you can muster will work as long as they align with your intention. Bless the letter with your positive energy and all will be well.

I do about 3 of these a month and I have increased the amount I do it recently because of the intense suffering the world is going through.

An example of what you could write may be something like this:

Dear You,

You have worth. Even if the world treats you differently. I am writing this letter to send some positivity your way because everyone could use a little extra. Know that you are loved even when it doesn’t feel like it. May luck follow you wherever you go.

STEP 3: Find Your Drop Point

In the old days, we Witches would do this at the library. And I still do from time to time. I even got a card at my local library so I could do this. We would slip our letters into books on the shelves and when people checked out a book, they would get the letter.

Nowadays, I do this more at department stores. I drop the folded letter on a random shelf, especially near places depressed people may visit, like the alcohol aisle at Target or the self-help section in the book aisle.

Wherever you choose to drop your letter is perfectly fine. Even people who buy eggs still need a little boost. That would be a good place, actually! I’m going to leave my next one inside an egg carton.

Just drop the letter and know that you have made someone’s day at least 1% better.

STEP 4: Gratitude

Say a quick gratitude to something as you leave your letter. You were given the power to make someone’s life better. Shouldn’t you be thankful for that.

As I always say, be gracious to anything you want to be gracious to. Don’t worry about thanking a specific deity unless you have one in mind. It doesn’t have to be profuse, either. Say thank you. Sit in the feeling of gratitude for a moment and know you did something good today.

Love + Blessings,


If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.

If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.

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