Expectant Energy: The Epidemic Infecting Spirit Keeping
Everyone gets excited when a new spirit companion graces their presence. But, that energy can be bad for them. Here’s why.
The title of this post may seem a bit hyperbolic, but it is not. Expectant energy is the root cause of 99% of people’s dissatisfaction with their spirit companion(s). So, you may be wondering: “What is expectant energy? And how can I avoid expressing it?
Good question.
In this post, I will go over what expectant energy actually is, why it hurts your chance at building any kind of bond with your companions, and how to avoid it within the first weeks of the bonding process. Let’s get into it.
What is Expectant Energy?
Do not beat yourself up for not knowing exactly what this phrase means. It is a term I coined because I was always so puzzled when I would get messages about people not getting activity from VERY active spirits and entities when they entered the homes of others.
So, let’s break down the phrase, starting with the first word: Expectant.
The word “expectant” comes from the latin word, expectantum. It simply means “awaiting an event or occurence with high hopes.” It is not an overly complicated concept to wrap your head around.
With expectations come the possibility, or probability, of disappointment. Think back to a birthday when you were sure you were getting the fancy new toy you wanted. Your body is basically bristling with energy at the thought of unwrapping that thing that you had your heart set on for months upon months. Then, the present is placed in front of you. Your fingernails dig into the paper. It cannot come off fast enough. And once it is off, all you see is a pair of sensible shoes.
That is being expectant.
So, moving onto the second part of the phrase: Energy.
I am not going to pretend I understand energy. No one really does, and anyone that says any different is being dishonest. Even if they are sure of themselves.
Energy is the force that governs all. We can observe it within ourselves. When we feel good, good things happen. When we feel bad, bad things happen. That is a vast oversimplification, but for this blog post it works.
Energy is what keeps the stars aligned, it controls your own consciousness or lack thereof, and it controls how you react to what you are reading right now.
If you are in a good mood, you will likely take this as what it is: the truth. If you are in a bad mood, you will think I’m making excuses. Do with it what you will.
Unless you are a meditation master with a third eye the size of a watermelon, you cannot have full control over the energy your spirit exudes. But you can have some. And when “expectation” meets with “energy” it forms expectant energy.
Why Does Expectant Energy Interfere With My Spirit Companion?
The truth of the matter is all energy interacts with the spiritual world. But, expectant energy is, perhaps, the most damaging. Spirits require energy to function, which is why I always recommend people leave offerings, communicate daily, and work Magick with their companions. This is what fuels them. But, all that is beneficial to your spirit. Expectant energy is draining to them.
Imagine it this way: you are invited to a person’s house through a mutual friend. You do not know this person at all. You are a bit nervous to meet them as they are very rich and educated.
So, you put on your best clothes and ready yourself for the meeting. As you’re introduced, your friend tells this rich person of something embarrassing that happened in college.
Now, you are put on the spot. The story is not that interesting. And you are not the best storyteller. Your mouth gets dry. You feel the tingle of nerves start at your feet and run all the way to your head.
This person you do not know looks at you like they need this story to be told. And they need you to channel Mark Twain to tell it. Your body seizes up and you stumble through the story. You tell it, but you barely get any of the details. You fail to deliver the punchline at the end. You look at your feet and notice you tracked dirt into this fancy person’s home.
And all the while, a friend and a stranger are staring at you while you wipe away sweat from your forehead.
That’s what it is like for a spirit to be brought into your home with the expectation that they’ll tear the roof of the place with paranormal activity. You can imagine how draining it is. That is why you must build a bond with them. You must make them comfortable with offerings and communication. And, you must be willing to have patience with them.
You cannot torture them with your own expectations. Not only is it unfair to them, it is being unfair to yourself. You have to willing to put in the work of spirit care. Trust me, nothing in life worth having comes without effort.
How to Not Let Your Expectations Ruin You
This final section will be as valuable in your personal life as it will spirit keeping.
Your expectations govern how you approach every single event in your life. If you go into a movie premier thinking the movie will be terrible, odds are your experience will follow your expectation.
If you begin watching the movie with high hopes, it may not live up to them. But, your experience will be better than the previous example.
The trick here is to approach your spirit, or any life circumstance, with little to no expectation at all. It is to open your mind to the possibility of what could be and could not be at the same time. I am certainly not saying to doubt your new spirit companion—that is a whole other can of worms. I am saying you should be open to any possibility.
Your energy and your spirit companion’s energy may not align at first. That happens. And while it can be disappointing, it does not mean the end of the world. It just means that a little spirit care is in order. Of course, most people find their bond begins building immediately, but the odd person may find themselves in this boat from time to time.
So, try to meditate before you begin interacting with your companion. Try doing this Welcome Ritual when your first bring your spirit into your home. Read and re-read Your First Spirit on my website, even if you have multiple spirits. No matter if you received your spirit from me or someone else*, you should refresh yourself from time to time. And, of course, I offer all of this information to you for free because I want EVERYONE to have the best possible interaction with their spirits as possible.
So, go. Get out there and get to spirit keeping. Discover who you are through these Magickal beings. And, as always, discover your spirit.
Love + Blessings
*I cannot vouch for any spirits’ authenticity unless it comes from me.
If you are practicing alone, I urge you to look into the Mysticmagicks Facebook Group. It is full of practicing witches and spirit keepers looking to help others.
If you would like to try working with a spirit companion, you should look at my stores. I have everything you need to begin.
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